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Melgui Olexander

Melgui Olexander

Faculty: Physical-metallurgical

Speciality: Management of Energetic

Theme of master's work:

The efficiency of heating residential buildings

* at the time of creation of the site diploma work is in development

Scientific adviser: Parhomenko D.I.

Materials on the theme of master's work: AbstractLibrary


Fluent in Russian, Ukrainian. In a level sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English.

Fluent in a personal computer as a user (including internet and e-mail). Using the software packages: AutoCAD, Compass, MS Office, etc.

Experience: JSC «Mashzavod», Novogrodovka, the production of domestic boilers. Major responsibilities: engineering tools, development of engineering documentation.

I have a driving license cat. «B».

Short biography:

Born on 15 July 1987, in Rostov-on-Don (Russia). In 2004, finished the GS number 2, Selidovo Donetsk region.
Then entered the program "Energy Management" Physical and Metallurgical Faculty DonNTU. The university has participated in conferences on electrical engineering, electricity and energy, was engaged in the preparation of teaching materials, publications and articles.
Participation in 2008 in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad Energy (range of energy-related), conducted by the Institute for Energy Conservation KPI has 8 seats.

The next step in learning has become a master. Master's program has expanded my horizons of knowledge.
Additionally, to obtain meaningful economic education, I decided to train in a specialty "Finances" at the International University of Finance (on the basis of DonNTU) and, at the end of the Magistracy, I will have a certificate of qualification of specialists in finance.

The short term to search for the realization of the experience and knowledge.

DonNTU > Master's portal || AbstractLibrary