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Магистр ДонНТУ Мельгуй Александр Игоревич

Melgui Olexander

Faculty: Physical-metallurgical
Speciality: Management of Energetic

Theme of master's work:

The efficiency of heating residential buildings*

*at the time of creation of the site diploma work is in development

Scientific adviser: Parhomenko D.I.


Materials on the theme of master's work: || About the author | Abstract |  Library



Publications and reports

  1. Review of the popular CAD-systems  RUS UKR

    Authors: Melgui A.I. Gaidar O.G.
    Description: Art in the student's scientific and technical journal "Engineer" № 7 / 2006, Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk.

  2. Calculation of current leakage to earth in the shaft combined with an isolated neutral networks

    Authors:  Белобородько О.А., ассистент, Мельгуй А.И., Донецкий национальный технический университет
    Description: abstracts of student scientific-technical conference, April 20, 200 8 town, Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk.


  3. Options for minimizing the power circles of multi-frequency

    Authors: Мельгуй О.И., Шавьолкін О.О.

    Description: Abstracts of student science and technology conference, May 30, 2008, Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk.
    Job opportunities devoted to minimizing the power circles of two schema cascade MPCH: with five and six inverters in phase. This is possible using the principle nesymetriyi voltage inverter with voltage ratio of 1:1:3 and 1:2:3, when just three inverters.



  4. Guidelines for the fulfillment of course work on discipline «Sources Energy »/ student specialty 7.000008 daily form of teaching. / Donetsk: Donetsk National Technical University, 2006 - 80.

    Authors: С.М. Сафьянц, А.Л. Попов, Е.К. Сафонова, Д.Л. Безбородов, А.И. Мельгуй, Э.А.Токарев, А.Л. Хохлова.

    Description: The main provisions and the sequence of course work on the theme of «heat power calculation boiler». We give the necessary technique and basic design formulas, reference data and an illustrative list of theoretical and practical issues to prepare for the Protection of course work.

  5. Guidelines to implement the business plan / students specifically 7.000008-tion, full-time form of training. : Donetsk: Donetsk National Technical University, 2006 - 90pp.

    Authors: С.М. Сафьянц, А.Л. Попов, Е.К. Сафонова, Е.М. Плакида, Д.Л. Безбородов, А.И. Мельгуй, Э.А. Токарев, А.Л. Хохлова.

    Description: The main provisions of the sequence and implementation of business plan on the theme «Energy. Reconstruction». We give the necessary methodology, reference data items and an indicative list of theoretical and practical issues for the preparation of and presentation of work.

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