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The invention concerns technics of roasting of materials in a boiling layer and can be used in the metallurgical, chemical industry and the industry of building materials.

Technical result from use of an offered design of the furnace with a boiling layer for эндотермического roasting polydisperse карбонатных materials is the increase of its operational characteristics expressed in maintenance of steady technological process at decrease of aerodynamic resistance tubular газораспределителя in 1,5 – 2,5 times and corresponding increase in useful weight of a boiling layer. Thus penetration of particles to exhaust in tubular газораспределителя, an event as a result of fluctuation of a boiling layer of particles to exhaust in a cooling zone, in this case is not a limiting stage of process as particles transit leave through apertures of the bottom punching in подрещёточное space of a zone of cooling. This effect amplifies for the account конусности apertures.

Offered to bake with a boiling layer for эндотермического roasting polydisperse карбонатных materials contains a zone of roasting with газораспределительным the device and подрешёточной the chamber and a zone of cooling with tubular газораспределителем, connected to the pressure-blowing car, executed in the form of pipes with apertures in their bottom part lateral поверхностий (the bottom punching), established horizontally with a backlash in 4 - 12 maximum exchanges of particles processed to exhaust among themselves and with the case of a zone of cooling, the reexact device for an unloading to exhaust from a cooling zone, and подрешёточная the chamber of a zone of roasting is connected with надслоевым space a zone of cooling by an air line, and an input of the reexact device for an unloading to exhaust from a cooling zone is located in the bottom basis conic подрешёточной chambers of a zone cooling. Tubular газораспределитель cooling zones it is supplied by apertures in their top part lateral surfaces (top перфорациии), executed over apertures of the bottom punching it is coaxial the last.

The areas of apertures tubular газораспределитель the bottom and top punching correspond as 1,5 – 3,0÷ 4,0 – 9,0.

Apertures in lateral walls of pipes tubular газораспределителя the bottom punching are executed with a profile in the form of the truncated cone, and an aperture of the top punching – in the form of a lateral surface of the turned truncated cone.