Master of Donetsk National Technical University Anna V. Gritsenko

Faculty: Computers and Information Science

Speciality: Computer Ecology-Economical Monitiring

Theme of master's work: Weather conditions forecasting by time series of meteorological data

Scientific supervisor: Ph.D Valeriy N. Belovodskiy

Brief Resume

Average mark in bachelor's degree – 4.98

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English

Professional knowledge and skills:

  • languages of programming: HTML, PHP, Delphi, Ñ/C++, Visual Ñ++
  • work with databases: Access, MySQL
  • mathematical and statistical programms: Matlab, MathCAD, Statistika
  • work with graphic software: Macromedia Flash, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Arc View GIS, MapInfo, Auto CAD
  • work with other software: Rational Rose

My hobby: photography, video montage, riding.

Personal information :

  • Date of birth: 12.12.1986
  • Family status: married

Personal qualities: purposefulness, orderliness, responsibility, attentiveness, desire to acquire new knowledge.



I was born on 12 December 1986 in Donetsk. My maiden name is Kiyanitsa. My mother is Kiyanitsa Natalia Anatolievna, was born in 1960, she works as a teacher of the Russian language and literature at the school ¹ 44 in Donetsk. My father is Kiiyanitsa Vjatceslav Vasilievitch, was born in 1956, works as electromechanic at the firm «Tehnika». I have elder sister – Kiyanitsa Daria Vjatceslavovna, who was born in 1982. She finished ukrainian department of philological faculty of the Donetsk National University and now she is working at the newspaper «Moskovskii komsomolets v Donbasse» as an editor.

My family always was an example for me in everything. I listened to the first my parents’ advises, absorbed new knowledge from my mother’s fairy-tales, turned over ABC book with my sister, fell asleep to my father’s lullabies. From the very begginig of my chilhood I liked numbers, that’s why my favourite book was «Mathematics». And my affectionate and fluffy cat Barsik was taught me kindness, if I can say so. I was quiet and inquisitive child, that’s why I joined the ranks very quickly to my first collective – friendly group of the kindergarten ¹ 1 «Vasilek». I will never forget how every Thursday our mistress spoke to every child only in the Ukrainian language. We learned poems, songs and got to know many things about culture of our country. Exactly in the kindergarten I fell myself, for the first time, as a teacher, while I was explaining to children how to unite syllables to make words.


«First time to the first grade» with big white bows and bright bag I went to the secondary school ¹ 31 in 1994 in Donetsk. My first teacher was Isatchenko Anna Vasilievna, she was kind and wonderful person. She could explain to every first-form boy or girl how to solve even the most difficult task, to read long word and to write word «mother» in a beautiful way. Exactly thanks to her attentive attitude I liked to study and finished third grade with excellent mark.

In the fifth grade I passed to the secondary school ¹ 44 in 1997. I had to get used to the new collective, it was difficult, but very quickly I acquired true friends, with whom I go side by side till the present times. In the given year my friend and I joined to the vocal circle of the boarding school of youthful arts in Leninskii district, where we were taught not only vocal, but and ability to behave ourselves easily on the stage.

In the eighth grade I took a great interest in exact science. I consulted with my parents and decided to enter to the programming courses near the regional palace of the boarding school of youthful arts. I got guite high passing score during the entrance testing and I plunged into captivating world of programming. Observing that fact that I was comprehending some elements of languages of programming Pascal, Delphi and others with diligence my parents bought me a computer. During that time I defined with my future speciality.

Years passed quickly. I didn’t notice how I became a senior pupil. The time came to assert my knowledge on the school and district competitions. Creative constituent of school life didn’t pass over me: my class-mates and I took part in all kinds of theatrical performance. Also I didn’t forget that my entrance to the higher educational establishment was not far off. But I didn’t have to worry about the choice of university – from the very beginning I defined with university and faculty, but say the truth, there were doubts which speciality I had to choose. However that may be, I had an aim – to entrance and I did everything for the achievement – I went to the courses to Donetsk National Technical University, where I studied mathematics and information science, I did all the tasks conscientiously and read additional literature in order to write rating tests in a worthy manner. It was difficult period for me, I had to think about future, but I didn’t forget that I had to finish the school and to receive the certificate. Thanks to my efforts, attention and patience of my parents, persistence and perseverance of my teachers I successfully passed the tests and got to the department free of charge on the speciality of «Computer ecology economical monitoring». And in June 2004 I finished the school with the golden medal.


From the first day of my student life I realized that many interesting and cognitive things exist in the world about which I had no idea. I tried not to miss the lectures, practical or laboratorial lessons. Soon I mastered higher mathematics, the languages of programming and all intricacies of computer graphic software. It came turn to philosophy, psychology, religious study and culture study. I wouldn’t say that these humanitarian disciplines came easily to me, to a person with technical turn of mind. But in the present state of affairs, as in childhood, my sister helped me. With her help I understood complicated philosophic theory and concept of psychology.

At leisure I went riding. The intercourse with horses, with these smart and generous animals, up to now gives me strength to advance in spite of everything.

In the fourth coure I got married to Gritsenko Aleksander Vitalievich. Now I have my own family, which I build on the trust, love, mutual understanding and on the best traditions of our parents’ families.

In 2008 I got diploma with excellent mark of bachelor and by middle mark I entered to magistracy free of charge. Already on the fourth course I defined with my masters work and with my future scientific supervisor. Sunrise and sunset, first drops of summer rain, bursts of the thunder and sudden snowfall in spring always delight me. That’s why I decided to dedicate my work to the meteorology. Unfortunately, those weather forecasts, which we hear every day from our telescreens, seldom embody. It is clear that forecasts are ungrateful things and theoretically the most accurate forecast makes only for 24 hours. I think that it should be examined. After all every person wants to know that the weather will not let them down. I hope that my calculus will be useful not only in my further work, but also to those people who will think about the theme of forecasting in future.

Plans for future

In the near future I am planning to uphold my magistracy work successfully and to get fixed up in an interesting job according to my speciality. I don’t like to talk about distant plans, as it is future and no one can look to it. I like life as it is and I think that everything what happens to us is not useless.

Biography Abstract