RUS UKR Master's portal of DonNTU
Ivanova Anastasiya

Ivanova Anastasia

Faculty: Computer Science and Technologies

Speciality: Economy cibernetics

Theme of master's work:

Mass system model simulation

Scientific adviser:

Mikhailova Tatyana

About author

The abstract

Introduction (Motivation)

In any practical activities the person faces an expectation condition. It can be turn in cash desk (the airport, a supermarket), parking of maintenance service of cars, turn on a telephone exchange, in a warehouse during loading or unloading of the goods or something another. These and many other things cases specify all in mass character and service.

Figure.1 Mass system model

Survey of research and developments

Research objective is studying of a theme Mass system service, and such as: the Theory of expectations and storekeeping model. For achievement of objects in view the decision of following problems is necessary: 1. To investigate and classify models of storekeeping and system of mass service. 2. To define the basic characteristics of investigated models. 3. To study the basic concepts of the theory of Markovsky chains.

Main planned results

The storekeeping model will be result of work. The storekeeping model should answer on two questions: how many production to order and when to order. However actually there is a considerable number of models of storekeeping for which decision the various mathematical apparatus - from simple schemes of the analysis to difficult algorithms of mathematical programming is used. Such phenomenon speaks various character of demand (production expenditure) which can be determined (authentic) or likelihood. In turn determined demand can be static when intensity of consumption does not vary in time, or dynamic when authentic demand changes depending on time. Likelihood demand can be stationary when the density of probability of demand does not change in time, and non-stationary when function of density of probability of demand changes depending on time. Let's consider the most simple, but at the same time the most basic model of storekeeping..

Conclusions and future research

By the time of end of work on the author's abstract researches in the field of storekeeping are conducted. Classification of models is made and their basic characteristics are defined. The basic models which are used at storekeeping are defined. One of the most widespread are models of Markova. Now the theory of Markovsky processes and its appendix are widely applied in the most various areas of such sciences as mechanics, physics, chemistry, etc. Thanks to comparative simplicity and presentation of a mathematical apparatus, high reliability and accuracy of received decisions, Markovsky processes have got special attention at the experts who are engaged in research of operations and the theory of acceptance of optimum decisions. Despite the simplicity specified above and presentation, practical application of the theory of Markovsky chains demands knowledge of some terms and substantive provisions on which it is necessary to stop before a statement of examples. Markovsky casual processes concern special cases of casual processes.

Thus, after research of various models of storekeeping it is possible to tell that presently, especially at the time of crisis, ability correctly is an important point to use the resources


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