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Masters of Donetsk National Technical University Malyavka Olga

Malyavka Olga

Theme of master's work:

Study of the ways of organization of the building of the instrumental intellectual shell for designing complex object on base of the expert method

Scientific adviser:Cond. of Scl(Eng) Grigoriev Alexander

Russian Ukrainian English

Materials on the theme of master's work:


Master's work

Actuality of the subject

       Rapid and high-quality decision of problems of designer preparation without application of computer technologies and SAPR practically not it is possible that does actual the task of automation of construction of CAD. Intellectual building on above CAD is actual because localization is needed on a certain subject domain, and possibility of its building on above any offered CAD. This problem can be decided by the synthesis of texts in compatible language of specifications.

Connection of the work with the scientific programs, plans, themes

       Industrial CAD is considered in a theme and examine of many scientific conferences:

Purpose of the work

       Purpose of the work is creation of such intellectual building on problem-aligned CAD. It would be worked on the base of expert methods and allowed to create the base of knowledges.

Research tasks

       Research tasks are an analysis of existent tools of construction CAD, improvement and realization of existent algorithms, estimation of their efficiency and construction tool for automation of creation for problem-aligned CAD.

The object of research

       The object of research is kit of resources for processing of text data and base of knowledges.

Article of research

       Article of research is algorithms and methods functionings of instrumental shell, which provide the construction of problem-aligned CAD, that has a formal language of presentation of information.

Method of research

       During research theory of sets, theory of artificial intelligence, theory of construction of CAD of technical objects and methods of assembling of model were applied.

Scientific novelty

       The new way of automation of forming of texts of models in formal language of description of planning objects was offered using the modified model of complication.

Practical value of the got results

       The developed system will allow the experts of different qualification quickly and effectively create specialized CAD within the framework already existing more general CAD, and allow users to get cheap and high-quality intellectual consulting models for a computer-aided design.

Approbation of results of dissertation

       This theme was considered on the international student scientific and technical conference of "Information science and computer technologies" of December, 12-14 2008 and "Information science and computer technologies" of December, 12 2008 taking place in Donetsk in Donetsk National Technical University.


Concept of intellectual shell

       Intellectual building on is creations and reconstruction of database, and intercommunications of it with the module of knowledges.

       Intellectual building on must allow to design specialized CAD both people which understand only in area of decision of the applied task(that can give the system only TT and the system builds necessary CAD) and specialists in the formal language of CAD. Their work will be rather and easier with such powerful instrument as intellectual building on CAD, becouse they will not search necessary parts of the already existent programs. Building on will do this for them.

       Intellectual building on must be a programmatic complex, consisting of DB of decisions, DB of requirement specifications related to it, aggregate of inference and prohibitive rules. It will be allow to control semantics of the got programs. It also must be apt at teaching straight of expert or by treatment, in fact it is impossible to foresee project decisions on all cases of life and early or late it may need to add new decisions in DB of TT and decisions.

       On the picture 1 the order of decision of tasks of reconstruction is resulted.

изображение надсторойки

Picture 1 - Order of work shell

Knowledge acquisition.

       This base of knowledges is a set of products, operating standards. The presence of universal, compatible language of description of objects, not depending on a subject domain is assumed. These descriptions have the appearance of language of formal specifications. System SPRUT works with a problem-aligned language LISP.

       Language Lisp (eng. LISP – abbreviation from List Processing) was created American scientific John Makkarti in 1957 in the Massachusetts technological institute as a language, capable depending on the set of basic data to modify the algorithm of work, . "in motion" to change the program. It was originally assumed to apply it for creation of artificial intelligence, however much it found wide enough application and far outside an area for which created originally.

The built-in appeared one of the most successful practical applications of Lispa in CAD for a technical computer-aided and drawings works of AUTOCAD design interpreter of language of AUTOLISP (Avtolisp).

       For this co-operation an interface LISP- it is a formal language of specification» is created. Also there is a reverse mechanism which will transform the language of formal specifications in a language LISP. By the formal language of presentation of the kept information in CAD «SPRUT» there is LISP. There is information in the system (knowledges) kept as S-expressions of LISP.

Structure of base of knowledges of the system

       Grammar of language of description of inference rules has such features. Every inference rule has the unique identifier . Expression the arguments of which are the names of rules of products is described in right part of rule. Also, in right part it can be brackets and relations of "and" and "or".

       In expression it is allowed to use all names of expressions, described in a project. The rule of purpose is an output of the found standard. Rules before working off translat in poliz, and further built “and-or” derivation tree. There are the names of rules of products in the tops of tree. We will consider going near the construction of reliable object. We will name the current text of description of object in language of specifications as «heap». One of the main stages of construction of object is verification of text.

       A base of knowledges is a set of rules of products. It carries in itself information about products and created object in language of formal specifications. Implementation of operations above text allows to check up truth of standard, used in a parcel. Standards, used in a conclusion, allow to add and edit «heap» due to implementation of operations. A parcel uses the operations of crossing, and conclusion – operations of addition or deduction.

       For example:

       If great number of A exists, great number of B will be exist .

       Short record of products:

If A then B

Вывод правила при обработке

       If only one element of greate number A is in a great number «heap» , that great number B will exist, added to the heap.

       The lack of offered approach is an orientation only on the tasks of reconstruction, without possibility of decision of tasks of synthesis of objects. The offered new going near the construction of intellectual building on will realize conception of creation of tools of construction of intellectual CAD for the stage of structural synthesis of difficult objects.In this case it is necessary to provide a dialog with an user in the process of synthesis for an input by it requirements to the designed object. On the picture. 2 the new order of decision of tasks of synthesis is represented in the environment of CAD «SPRUT».

Вывод правила при обработке

Picture 2 - Modified building on above CAD


       At the present stage of development and design can be concluded that any system can be streamlined and improved so-Yves our case over nearly any CAD system can make the intellectual superstructure and to adapt it to the CAD industry.


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  6. Интернет журнал «САПР и графика» / Сайт интернет журнала, -
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  11. Официальный сайт фирмы разработчиков «СПРУТ-Технологией» , Сайт -

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