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Nickolas V. Pohilets
Nickolas V. Pohilets
Faculty of Computer Science
Windows registry access control tools development
Briefly about myself
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae

I was on born July 4, 1988 in Khanzhonkovo urban-type settlement, Makeyevka city, Donetsk Region. Father – Pohilets Vasiliy is a teacher of English in school #102 of Makeyevka. Mother – Pohilets Lilia is a teacher of English in school #72 of Makeyevka.

In early childhood my favorite toys were miscellaneous brainteasers, puzzles, building kits. With special delight I used to spend time playing Nikitin's setting up games. At the age of six I entered the first grade of school #16 of Makeyevka, where I studied up to ninth grade. In the school I showed tendency to exact sciences. Regularly won prizes in Mathematical, Physics and Chemistry Olympiads.

After finishing nine grades of comprehensive school, I was enrolled to the class of Physics and Mathematics of the Makeyevka City Lyceum, and for remaining two years of secondary education I studied there. In the Lyceum I discovered for myself programming and learned on my own the Turbo Pascal programming language in 3 months.

From the seventh up to the tenth grades I was a listener of Open Mathematics College (OMC) under Faculty of Mathematics of DonNU in the Olympiad class. Study in OMC made enormous contribution into my mathematical education, developed me as a creative person, taught me to study on my own. I'm deeply grateful to entire College and personally to Dveyrin Mikhail Z.

With the help of OMC I became a member of the Travel Club "Alpina" under DonNU. As a member of the club, I have already made six hikes to the Crimean and the Carpathian mountains, the last one as a group leader.

When thinking about my future perspectives at the beginning of the 11th grade, I came to the conclusion that in the future I want to "earn good money with my mind", and programming was selected as a concrete implementation of this abstract formula.

My choice of the university and specific speciality was rather chaotic. Being guided mainly by subjective opinions of my friends, I chose the university and faculty, and when I had to choose the exact speciality, I simply chose the one where the largest entry was. In this way I was enrolled to the "System Programming" speciality of Faculty of Computer Science of Donetsk National Technical University by results of the preliminary rating contest.

Though the programming experience that I have had for today and the direction that I continue to evolve in seem to be more application programming than the system one, I do not have any regrets about choosing my speciality. It has given me fundamental knowledge in wide spectrum of computer engineering. The following subjects appeared to be the most useful for me:

  • System Programming (Shevchenko Olga G.).
  • Programming of Microcontrollers (Malcheva Raisa V.).
  • Windows Programming (Teplinskiy Sergey V.).
  • Course of x86 Assembler Basics (assistant Cherednikova Olga Y.).
  • Fundamentals of Information Security (Ivanov Alexander Y.).

Choosing my scientific adviser, I finally chose Shevchenko Olga as a person that had proved herself to be highly competent specialist in domain of system programming and operation systems. While analyzing existing needs and solutions in system software, we marked out the question of Windows Registry protection. This subject is poorly researched, though being urgent (Many analysts point out the Windows Registry as one of the most vulnerable places in the system). Finally, the subject of the master's work was formulated as "Development of Windows registry access control tools".

Among my creative plans, there are two open-source projects that should be mentioned: cpp-events – library, that implements event-delegate (signal-slot) mechanism for C++, and cpp-reflection – library of classes and source code scanner for operating with meta-information in C++. First project is in the phase of active development. The second one has been revolving in the mind and on the paper from March 2009, resources at have been reserved for it, but I will be able to start coding only after finishing my master's work.

In my article I describe my experience of working in XITEX Software company, that can be described as "experience of how programming should not be done". Respectively, the heart of matter of my professional plans for the nearest future is to get "experience of how programming should be done", – I'd like to participate in an interesting, high-principled project, work with a competent team, see the great miracle of extreme programming in action))). Maybe as a teamlead I'll try to make things in this way in XITEX, maybe I'll start my own project privately, maybe I'll enter existing "right" project. Let's wait and see...

Donetsk, August-September 2009