1. Autobiography
  2. Abstract

Scheglov Maxim

Faculty: Computers and Information Science

Speciality: Software engineering

Theme of master's work: "The Analysis and Estimation of Efficiency of Block Multistep Parallel Difference Methods of Solution the ODE on a Cluster"

Scientific adviser: Lev Feldman, professor


Middle mark – 4.96;
   -Russian and Ukrainian: native
   -English: intermediate
Technical skills:
   -Languages: C/C++, C#, PHP, Perl
   -Web technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, CGI, SOAP, XML, ASP.NET
   -DBMS: Oracle 9i, MYSQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access
   -Technologies& Libraries: Win32 API, STL, Multithreading, COM, ADO .NET Framework, ADO.NET, MPI, RegExp, UML
Career history: I work in the Company “Donetskstal Iron and Steel Works” on the position Software Engineer since february 2008


      I was born in October, 12, 1987 in the Donetsk. My father is Scheglov Igor Arkad'evich, mother Scheglova Elena Nikolaevna. All, what I obtained over the years, foremost, is merit of my parents. Thanks them for this. "Sun" was my first kindergarten. There I found the two best friends, who lived next door with me. I've enjoyed painting, assembling models from various meccanos.


      In 1994 I went to the first class of the school №62. I studied on "well" and "fine" and got the pair of diploms. I enrolled in the Karate Kyokushinkai section. I've engaged in karate for five year and reached small successes: yellow belt. When I was studying in the third form parents presented me the soccer ball. I am a football fan since that time.
      In 1997 I passed to the school №21 and studied there till 11 form. My objects of interest were Math and English. Mainly, what I learned at school is put before myself high aims and reach them. I finished school with a silver medal.
      Time of choice of further way came in 2004. Not long thinking, I decided to bind the further life with information technologies and entered in the Donetsk national technical university, on speciality «Software engineering». For several months I have increasingly prepared for ratings in mathematics and programming, attending training courses. My efforts were not lost. As a result I ranked 13 place and was adopted on the budgetary form of studying.


      I enjoyed studying at the University a lot. Here I found new friends, got new knowledge in programming, learned to work productively. The first course of studying was the most difficult for me, because I had to adapt to a new form of learning. Starting with the second course I confidently (and not very much) handed over all tests on the "excellent".
      On the third course I understanded, that the knowledge that give us at the university is the basic, and therefore the required programming languages and technologies have to learn itself. Also on the third course my work «Designing a hypothetical operating system» took part in student's scientific works and ranked second place.
      On the fourth course I found a job of the C++ developer in the company “Donetskstal Iron and Steel Works”. I got a new hobby - roller skating. Due to this I found many new friends and had a lot of positive emotions. All efforts that I spended on the study were not lost in vain, because at the end of the fourth course I passed tests, received the diploma of bachelor and was accepted on the budget form of studying in the magistracy.
      I choose Lev Feldman as a scientific adviser, because I am interesting in scientific problems in the areas of numerical methods and parallel programming, which he does. Theme of my master's work is "The Analysis and Estimation of Efficiency of Block Multistep Parallel Difference Methods of Solution the ODE on a Cluster".

Plans for future

       My nearest plan is writing the master's work and reaching the diploma of master in computer science. Now I am engaging in software development and going to work with them in the future, applying the knowledge gained during the years of learning into practice. In a prospect to manage software projects, the department in the development of a solid company, or to open my own software development company.