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Rybyantseva Anna

Master of Donetsk National Technical University Rybyantseva Anna

Mine - geological faculty

Speciality: Land management and cadastre

Group: LMC-08m

Theme of master's work:
Development of suggestions on the account of underflooded and flooded lands

Scientific advicer:
Krenida Y. F.





Introduction and urgency

Miner's regions are zones of ecological disaster, and the enterprises of the coal industry are classified as ecologically dangerous. Working out of coal deposits negatively influences a hydrochemical mode of operation of superficial and underground waters, strengthens pollution of air space, worsens fertility of the earths. The areas of technogenic flooding cover about 96 thousand in sq. km, or 16 % of territory of the state. In Donetsk area more than 40 thousand earth hectare annually is exposed to flooding. The area which demands prime measures, makes 7,3 thousand in hectare. It is not necessary to forget that the earth is unique natural resources which is not subject to restoration, moving, replacement. For this reason the question of the account of floodings and floodings of the earned additionally earths is actual.

The purpose of researches:

working out of offers on prevention of floodings and floodings of the earned additionally earths.

Idea of researches:

definition of a condition of process of flooding and flooding of the earned additionally earths and a substantiation of necessity of the account of these processes, and on this basis object in view achievement

Scientific research problems:

  • Studying of a condition of the coal industry and revealing of the basic prospects of its development;
  • Studying of the basic aspects of closing of mines and consequences of this process, definition of a current state of this process;
  • Studying of existing ways of prevention of floodings;
  • Studying and the analysis of legislative base and revealing of main objectives and problems of programs under the account of floodings and floodings of the earned additionally earths;
  • Working out of offers under the account of floodings of the earned additionally earths.

Scientific novelty

As the situation with flooding has uncontrollable and not predicted character, and existing ways of prevention and the account of floodings and floodings do not correspond to financing volumes it is necessary to develop the new approach to the account of these processes which would allow land users to reduce risk of deterioration of the earths and to have an opportunity compensation of potential losses.

Practical value of the received results

Results of the given work can be used for a basis by working out of the mechanism of insurance as way of prevention and account of floodings and floodings of the earned additionally earths.

The analysis of tendencies of development of planetary economy shows that in structure of world's reserves of organic fuel on coal the most part (67 %) is necessary. The analysis of stocks of coal in Ukraine confirms that coal is the main energy carrier in Ukraine (95,4 %).

Image 1 - Organic resourses in the world and Ukraine

Image 1 - Organic resourses in the world and Ukraine

Coal use as household, power fuel, raw materials for the metallurgical and chemical industry, for manufacture of mineral fertilizers and plastic, heating of dwellings, in the food-processing industry. The power stations which are burning coal, make 40 % of the world electric power.

The coal industry - one of leading branches of thermal power station of Ukraine.

The condition and development of the coal industry is defined by following factors: quantity and quality of coal; mountain-geological conditions; mine fund; scientifically - technical progress; working conditions; business factors.

Image 2 - The main figure of the coal indistry

Image 2 - The main figure of the coal indistry

Dynamics of the basic indicators of work of coal branch (the tab. see) testifies that for years of independence of Ukraine there was an essential deterioration quantitative and coal output quality indicators.

Table 1 - Dynamics of the basic indicators of work of coal branch.  Source

Table 1 - Dynamics of the basic indicators of work of coal branch

The cost price of one ton of commodity coal production has increased with 120 грн. In 2000 to 432 грн. In 2007. Losses of the state coal enterprises from commodity output realisation have grown almost in 10 times (!) and have reached in 2007 3,9 billion грн.

Mountain-geological conditions of the coal industry of Ukraine — one of the most difficult in the world coal industry, for them are characteristic — a working out deep water (in most cases 600-800-1000 and more metres) and small ugleplotnost - rather thin coal layers. The mine fund (set of operating collieries) is considerably obsolete, the volume of annual extraction having on one mine does not exceed 600 thousand t/year. On level of scientific and technical progress (realisation of mechanisation and automation of productions) the coal industry is among the most backward. Insufficiency of the mechanised processes and manual skills considerable quantity are characteristic. There is a problem of attraction of investments into coal branch.

The coal industry differs rather difficult and dangerous working conditions that proves to be true a considerable quantity of failures with heavy and tragical consequences. The coal mining has negative influence on environment, demands alienation of more and more expensive arable land, leads подработке the built up territories and large forests, changes a direction of underground streams, and the condition of reservoirs, as consequence, worsens, and waste heaps poison atmosphere. The analysis of a condition and development of the coal industry of Ukraine allows to draw a conclusion on necessity of reforming of the branch, one of which points is the question of liquidation of unpromising and unprofitable mines.

There are some ways of closing of mines.

Dry preservation is the way of closing assuming special rearrangement of a relief so that water, затапливая mine, nevertheless remains deeply and does not mix up with ground waters (water redistribution in adjacent mines). Moist preservation assumes constant pumping out of water from mine, as well as in operating conditions. Wet preservation is a flooding of mine by that water which is constantly pumped out during its work.

Full or partial flooding of mine leads to essential deterioration of ekologo-geological conditions of environment. One of influence kinds on environment is flooding and flooding of territories.

When the mine затапливается also stops water outflow, underground waters try to renew the natural level. Thus as a result of mine work on the considerable areas we have the lowered surface. If there is an excess of level of waters over surface level it is flooding. Approach to critical marks is a flooding.

These processes involve such negative consequences as:

  • The pollution, steady increase of a mineralization and pollution by nitrates, heavy metals of superficial and underground waters, water supply sources;
  • Subsidence of a day surface;
  • Accumulation of potential energy in the flooded mountain developments with formation pressure and decrease in firmness of pedigree files, and, as consequence, increase of seismic activity;
  • Change of a hydrological and hydrochemical mode of the rivers;
  • Development of process of bogging and connected with it soils, deterioration of fertility and loss of natural properties of ground grounds;
  • Change of properties and mechanical durability of breeds in flooding zones in the basis of buildings and constructions.

By expert estimations, the areas of technogenic flooding cover about 16 % of territory At, from flooding to some extent suffer more than 16 million persons, socially - economic losses make from 300 to 500 grivnas on hectare of the amazed territories in a countryside and 10-12 thousand грн on hectare of territory of cities.

Image 3 - The figure of the underflooded cities. Animation was made of 4 cadrs with the help of
 Microsoft Gif Animator. Time of changing: 1 sec

Image 3 - The figure of the underflooded cities
Animation was made of 4 cadrs with the help of Microsoft Gif Animator.
Time of changing: 1 sec

Let's consider existing ways of prevention of floodings and floodings.

First, it is the ways corresponding to projects and ways of liquidation of mines, waters providing constant pumping out from mine, management of water inflows by water redistribution in adjacent mines, a construction complexes, the crosspieces, water lowering installations. Secondly, it is the ways providing in mine liquid glass, concrete or sand to avoid проседания soil, and causing relief rearrangement. In the third, it is ways of fall of level of waters by means of drainage and water lowering installations.

For maintenance of effective planning and nature protection activity on objects of the coal industry it is necessary to organise constant geological, hydro-geological and hydrochemical monitoring in areas of their arrangement, first of all, in zones of mountain works. Besides, in connection with presence in Donbass the branched out network of the old mountain developments which co-ordinates are lost and now are not known, it is expedient to restore these data and to create in one of specialised institutes of the coal industry a computer databank on the developments fraught with considerable ecological danger in connection with deformation of a terrestrial surface and failures located on them industrial, municipal and agroobjects. The computer databank is necessary for creating also on a chemical compound of coal and breeds containing it on coal deposits all developed and planned to perspective working out.

The analysis of existing measures of prevention of floodings has shown that efficiency of their application depends on financing size since ways expensive enough, and demand the technical efforts, the qualified preparation and necessity of presence of the complex analysis of a condition of process of flooding and the forecast of possible consequences.

Liquidation of mines is carried out without look-ahead estimations of ecological consequences, irregularly and fragmentary, with infringement of requirements of the legislation (requirements of the Water and Ground codes, special laws), projects of liquidation of mines. We will consider as at legislative level the question of the account of floodings and floodings of territories is dealt with

As a result of the analysis of existing programs it is possible to draw a conclusion on necessity of improvement of legislative and standard base, is standard-legal and a supply with information of the work, connected with flooding, to provide the coordination of programs after struggle against the flooding, developed on state, regional and local levels, to define use ГИС of technologies for info formation, to provide restoration of natural landscapes, the earths.

It is necessary to notice that the situation with flooding has uncontrollable and not predicted character. Design calculations of an exit of mine water on a surface frequently do not coincide with real processes which occur several times faster.

Therefore it is offered to apply such way of the account of floodings as insurance.

Insurance - a way of reduction of risk by warranting of compensation of potential losses to the victim. The indemnification is made from insurance fund which is formed at the expense of payments of afraid losses of insurers and is in the management guaranteeing their compensation by the insurer.

The insurance risk represents event on which case insurance is led and which has signs of probability and accident of approach. As has shown the analysis of a condition of flooding, this process possesses signs of insurance risk.

Insured event is the event provided by the contract of insurance or the legislation which has occurred and with which approach there is a duty of the insurer to pay insurance payment.

The insurance contract is a written agreement between the insurer and the insurer according to whom the insurer incurs a duty in case of insured event approach to pay to the insurer or выгодополучателю insurance compensation, and the insurer undertakes to pay insurance payment in certain terms and to adhere to other treaty provisions of insurance.

Subject of the contract of insurance, according to item 4 of the Law of Ukraine «About insurance», can be property interests which do not contradict the law and are connected with possession, using and the order property (property insurance), with compensation by the insurer of the damage put to it to the person or its property, and also a damage caused to the legal body.

Insurance, being a universal remedy of protection against financial losses, creates "peace of mind" and provides confidence of tomorrow. Insurance focuses participants of the insurance contract on the prevention of insured event and minimisation of a possible damage. The confidence of protection which is got by the insurer, acts, as stimulus for continuation and activity expansion.

So, insurance of the ground areas should be considered as a source of means for restoration of the earths in case of approach of adverse processes and to provide one of major principles of the ground legislation – a priority of ecological safety.

At the same moment master's work is not finished. After december, 2009 you may take it by adresing to author or scientific advicer

The literature list

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  2. Гавриленко Ю.Н., Ермаков В.Н.. Техногенные последствия закрытия угольных шахт Украины: Монография [Текст] – Донецк, 2004. – 631 с.
  3. Янукович В.Ф., Азаров М.Я., Алексеев А.Д., Анциферов А.В., Питаленко Е.И. Решение геоэкологических и социальных проблем при эксплуатации и закрытии угольных шахт [Текст] - Донецк, ООО «АЛАН», 2002. – 480 с.
  4. Кошель А., Мартин А. Страхування земельних ділянок як спосіб захисту майнових інтересів власників землі// Землевпорядний вісник. - 2009. - №2 - С. 33-36
  5. Бурлака В., Экологические проблемы угольной рпомышленности Украины [Электронный ресурс]/ ТЭК: энергетика, газ, уголь, нефть, -$pa!256$a!326201.htm
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  7. Магда Я. Быть или не быть? Эколого-геологические последствия массового закрытия шахт Донбасса [Электронный ресурс]/ GEONEWS Лента новостей, -
  8. Притыка А. Угольная промышленность — черная дыра государственного бюджета или основа энергетической безопасности Украины?[Электронный ресурс]/Новости Украины, -
  9. Чрезвычайные ситуации природного характера на территории Украины - смещения, подтопления, проседания, эрозия, абразия и карст [Электронный ресурс]/ Твое здоровье, -
  10. Younger P. IMPACTS OF MINING ON PHYSICAL HYDROGEOLOGY [Электронный ресурс]: speech' text from image-train advanced study course GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT IN MINING AREAS. -Vienna: Federal Environment Agency, 2004 - 114 p.
  11. Younger P. WETLAND TREATMENT OF MINE WATERS [Электронный ресурс]: speech' text from image-train advanced study course GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT IN MINING AREAS. -Vienna: Federal Environment Agency, 2004 - 114 p.
  12. Banks D. GEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES CONTROLLING MINEWATER POLLUTION [Электронный ресурс]: speech' text from image-train advanced study course GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT IN MINING AREAS. -Vienna: Federal Environment Agency, 2004 - 114 p.