of ACS

Faculty CITA
DonNTU Master's

Master of Donetsk National Technical University Alina Stikhar

Alina Stikhar

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation
Department: Automated Control Systems
Speciality: Information Control System and Technologies

Theme of Master's Work:

Algorithms and methods of computing system
of forecasting population rates

Scientific Supervisor: Ph. D. Maxim V. Privalov



Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4,81.
Personal data: the citizen of Ukraine, year of birth is 1987, not married.

I have an operational experience with following software products:

    1. Software products for visual design of Windows applications:
    • Visual Basic
    • Visual C++
    • Borland C++ Builder
    2. Control systems of databases:
    • Microsoft Access
    • Visual FoxPro
    • MS SQL Server
    • Cache
    3. Software products in the field of realisation of means of CASE-technologies:
    • BPwin
    • ERwin
    4. Graphic editors:
    • Corel Draw
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • Macromedia Flash MX

Possession of languages:
I know Russian and Ukrainian languages fluently. I know English sufficiently for reading and understanding.

Additional data:
I am trained in the training methodical centre of foreign languages «ARPI» now. Ultimate goal of training is to take examination to receive the International Certification in English language.

Personal qualities: sense of duty, responsibility, punctuality, purposefulness.

Hobbies: sport, fiction reading, hand embroidery.




I was born on warm summer day July, 11th, 1987. I am the only child in the family. My parents were carefully engaged into my education, that’s why I am very grateful to them now. They are the dearest people for me.

My father, Gennadiy P. Stikhar, works at A.A.Skochinsky coal mine. He is a good family man and the real head of the family. My mother, Valentina S. Stikhar, works at Senior management of statistics in Donetsk region. She is really skilful and appreciates discipline, both in work and in life.

As my parents remember when I was a child I was quiet and lovely girl, was not capricious, but constantly found myself into different situations. I fell on flat surface, I knocked down an icicle which by miracle has not fell into my eye, in general, actively enough learnt the world. I went to a kindergarten when I was 1,5, this is the most carefree time in my life, my memories are still positive.

At the same time my abilities to creativity have started to be shown, I liked to draw and dance. On New Year's morning performances I received an honorable role of a snowflake! And as to drawing, mother still stores my children's drawings and always recollects preschool testing on which children of our group were given a sheet of paper, with the image of an oval and everyone had to draw, what the imagination would prompt. The result of it was various: the sun, a flower and only I had drawn a hedgehog.

Near to a kindergarten there was a school ¹ 125 in which I spent all 10 years of training, it is said about in the next section …


  School years

September, first, 1994 I remember as now. My mother and I prepared thoroughly, having bought in advance exercise books, handles, diary, black patent-leather shoes, on a small heel to that I was inexpressibly glad, because I felt as an adult. Mostly, for having such attitude to school and to study I am obliged to mother.

Study in elementary grades was given to me easily, probably because I had already come well prepared. I could read and write. My first teacher is Anna P. Faifer whom I still remember very well. She always took care of us, personally participated in development of everyone. Anna Faifer conducted a lesson in such away that even to come to the blackboard seemed to be a holiday. Besides a basic course we were engaged in mathematics, as a faculty lesson and I consider, that it is exactly just what has imparted to me love to the exact sciences.

The years spent at secondary and senior school, flew by very quickly. I was the monitor and actively took part in a school life, quite often participated in the school Olympiads. I participated practically in all school competitions!

At the same time I became interested in a hand embroidery, I was so interested in school lessons, that I decided to have my faculty lesson. In our region there is the House of children's and youthful creativity, I registered in it, and to the surprise and pride have got to the deserved master of Ukraine on an embroidery thanks to Valentina Grigorevna. The embroidery still takes a special place in my life, it is not only a hobby, for me it means to express love and warmth to people who are dear to me, that’s why in every piece of my work I leave a part of my soul.

It is a pity, that it is impossible to tell about all my teachers, because everyone of them influenced my personal development.



The choice of the occupation was given to me very hard. Since the early childhood I was in creative search and saw myself in a role of model, the teacher of history, the dentist. My desire to study, to play a violin were the most adventurous, but parents persuaded me in time, for what I am still thankful for them. Having grown up, I wished to be similar to mother, my not replaceable authority, and therefore my further studying was connected with an economic speciality. I made the definitive decision in 11 form. Though, to tell the truth, a phrase «Information operating systems» meant nothing to me at that time.

At first it was very difficult for me to study, especially during the first course. University tasks, in comparison with school ones, were simply enormous! But very soon I was involved and got used to this rhythm of a life. The student's life has not disappointed me, it is the best and the most cheerful time in my life. At heart I am the person who is curious and subjects which I am taught were always interesting to me. Besides at university I realized that every laboratory work, each seminar, every course, are not useless, and all these prepare me for real life where the received knowledge will be necessarily practiced.

Having received the bachelor's degree, I continued the training in the magistrates and have laid down for myself the new aim: successfully to defend the diploma of the master.


  About master’s work

The topic of my master's work is « Algorithms and methods of computing system of forecasting population rates».

This topic is always actual since demographic forecasts are used as a basis for planning more often. For example, at an estimation of requirements of the country or region in new workplaces, teachers, schools, doctors, medical sisters, city habitation or a foodstuff, it is necessary to have data on a population to which services will be necessary. Thus, demographic forecasts serve as a starting point for the majority of forecasts about the future requirements.

My research supervisor is Maxim V. Privalov, a remarkable teacher and expert.


  Plans for the future

Certainly, in future in the foreground there is a writing master's work and its successful defence.

I have not got used to stop on reached, in sphere of the self-education, therefore I plan to receive profound knowledge of English language, technical in particular.

The following step is to find a well paid interesting work on a speciality with possibility of career growth.

And as for my soul … I wish, I could be able to visit Saint-Petersburg.
