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Gladkaya Elena
Gladkaya Elena Sergeevna
Speciality: Environment in mining
Theme of Master's Work: Development and foundation of the ecological and economic measures for the creation of landscape parks - recreational area within the territory of waste dumps of the Donetsk region by example of mine "Ilovaiskaya"
Supervisor: professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kostenko Victor Klimentevich


The purpose of the Master’s Work is:

To increase the level of environmental safety in the region based on the methodology of Donbass landscape restoration with the help of new ways of improving mine-technical recultivation of dumps’ surface.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To assess the changes of natural components and determine the nature of man-made hazards in the geochemical transformation of landscapes under the influence of spoil heaps.

2. To develop a classification of waste heaps in the light of endogenous and exogenous conditions of their formation and assessment of their harms that would allow using the methods of their recycling or recultivation.

3. To set the parameters and laws of physical, geological and geochemical processes in spoil dumps and to identify areas and ways of using these processes for recycling moldboard rocks and, accordingly, to ensure environmental security in the region.

4. To substantiate the theoretical foundations of integrated waste-free utilization of waste heaps, as a way of improving environmental safety.

5. To develop technical tools and technological solutions that would reduce costs and capacity of activities of waste heaps recultivation.

6. To determine the biological productivity of recultivated waste heaps as a criteria of evaluating the effectiveness of landscapes recovery and the extent of danger decreasing .

The main task of master's work is the investigation of ecosystems in conditions of different levels of protection. And I want to pick out the following main stages of environmental studies:

1. Studying the history of geosystems:

a) studying of the history of the development of individual geosystem’s components ;

c) studying of the structure of ecosystems and their functioning;

c) studying of the interaction of different geosystems in the historical past.

2. Assessment of the current state of ecosystems, their components and elements:

a) inventory;

b) The selection of objects and observed areas;

c) the organization of observations.

3. Modeling the biological cycle in ecosystems of protected areas.

4. Prediction of geosystems.

Academic institutions, of course, should constantly contribute to make the research, with the help of access to accurate apparatus and equipment, as well as be able to assume part of the ecological observations.

The idea of the work is to use the laws of physical and geological and geochemical processes occurring in the spoil heaps, in order to restore them to natural, environmentally safe state.

Reducing of the negative impact of industrial activities on the environment is one of the main tasks of environmental and economic activities of the mine.

The accumulation of waste and pollution of the environment in conditions of the development of productive forces is not inevitable regularity. On the contrary, scientific and technological progress, the development of science and technology create the necessary background for a creatin of the effective problem’s solution and prevent negative impact on the environment. However, the research in this area has a lot of difficulties, since it is crossed by the tasks of various branches and departments. The problem of complex using of spoil heaps is rather badly studied despite of it’s relevance.

But the success of this process can be achieved if the economic activity is based on the following principle: the less interference in natural processes is made, the less is the conversion of natural systems- the less are the environmental problems.

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