ruuaen DonNTU FMF Masters of DonNTU
My biography


Kanuka Olga

Faculty: Ecology and Environmental protection

Speciality: Ecology and Environmental protection

Theme of master's work::
Research of possibilities of improvement of ecology-ekonomicheskikh descriptions of processes of production of primary metal is in high furnaces and aggregates of direct renewal of iron.

Scientific adviser: Mischenko Ivan

Student of Donetsk National Technical University Kanuka Olga


Actuality of theme

The growing deficit and the constant rise in the cost of coking coals can become today a powerful incentive to the development beskoksovoy metallurgy

Purpose and tasks of diploma work:

To reflect the relevance of comparing environmental and economic performance of alternative processes, coke and bezkoksovoy industry, the need to develop recommendations for the development beskoksovoy metallurgy in Ukraine.

Novelty of work

Novelty of work consists that modern technologies which allow to reach the planned purposes and problems of this work are offered for introduction in domain production.

The practical importance of results

Using these techniques will allow the company to organize a more efficient production of iron, ensuring minimal negative impacts on the environment, will reduce the potential environmental payments for emissions, reduce production costs by reducing energy consumption.



Chapter 1 Ekologo-economic indicators of processes of manufacture of pig-iron.

1.1 Emissions, discharges and waste.

1.2 Beskoksovoe production.

Chapter 2 Сoke and beskoksovaya metallurgy in Ukraine.

2.1 Energy-saving technology domain sintering and coke production.

2.2 Reduction of gaseous emissions into the atmosphere.

2.3 Emissions from coke production.

Chapter 3 Calculation of ecological and economic efficiency.

Chapter 4 Labor protection.


Iron and steel industry, no doubt, refers to industries with high environmental risk. In the master's thesis made an early attempt a comparative analysis of resource - environmental and other characteristics of the production of primary metal in blast furnaces more polluting and more efficient logical units of direct reduced iron from ore. Offered way is very attractive because of its high environmental friendliness: him does not need coke and sinter.

PROSPECTS forward recovery

Over three thousand years ago came the most ancient way of obtaining iron - syrodutny process. The temperature in the area of education Cree Tze reached 1250-1350C. Such furnaces in the prewar years, worked several dozen. Practice has shown disadvantage of these furnaces due to low productivity.

Now, many companies and institutions in several countries engaged in intensive research in this direction, which is due to several reasons. schematically shows a comparison of conventional technology and technologies by the method of COREX. When using COREX not need coke batteries.

2. Coke enterprises and sinter plants give the greatest amount of emissions of gases and dust into the atmosphere, consume large quantities of water and occupy large areas of land; this is the most environmentally disadvantaged sectors of metallurgical production.

3. Ovens liquid-phase reduction provides an efficient recycling of slag, sludges and other wastes. It is still difficult to assess the results of ongoing in many countries, research in this direction.

So far, there is a significant number of technologies beskoksovogo metal production, received commercial distribution. All of them can be classified as follows: processes of liquid-phase recovery, processes of solid recovery, сombined processes.

The processes of liquid-phase recovery has not yet received significant proliferation, but have good prospects.


In our country, the projects go to beskoksovye technologies are still only at the stage of research.Proposed technology would reduce emissions into the environment in accordance with the reduction in coke production.


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