About itself:

The average mark was 4.7 in the period of study at the university. I speak Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English at a basic level. I used such programs MS Word 2003, 2007, MS Excel 2003, 2007, SPSS 16.0,10,0 Surfer 8.

Short biography:

I was born on 15 March in 1988 in the little town - Snezhnoe. My father, Piksaev Nikolay Nikolaevich, which was born on 19 December in 1954 (die on 17 February in 2008) was a simple miner, my mather Piksaeva Lyudmila Ivanovna, which was born on 27 December in 1959, worked the senior seller a manufactured goods. Beside my parents, at the time of my births, was a son. My senior brother, Piksaev Konstantin Nikolaevich, which was born on 17 December in 1982, at present works the founder on Doneckom metallurgical plant. In kindergarten "Buratino", I began to go, when I was at least two year old.

I went to school in 1995. I studied at North educational school №2. I have five and four marks and one three marks on mathematics, which in consequence did not become. From all school subjects specifically I liked the English, I with pleasure translated the texts. The Lesson of the music I stood on the second place. The School Olympiads did not go by me, amongst them on Russian language and literature. I like to dance, sing, knit, read books, rest on the nature. As a whole training in school was given me without any problems.

After school I entered in the most prestigious university in Ukraine that the Donetsk National Technical University on Faculty to ecologies and chemical technology. The Profession which I have chosen - an ecological geology. On the first course the most interesting subject were a history geology, which taught E.P.Bahtarova, as well as the general geology, which was read the managing pulpit to geologies V.I.Tarancom. During my education I was remembered teachers (but accordingly and their courses) V.A.Tarasova, T.P.Volcova, which is managing pulpit on my professions, V.V.Chernyeva, U.A.Proskurnya. After reception of the diploma of the bachelor in 2004, I have entered in magistracy on my professions.

Plans for the future:

I’ll plan to write an excellent master thesis, and then fine job on the specialty in the future. The most nearest plans beside me are connected with execution and protection master work.