Master of DonNTU Kondratenko Alexander

Kondratenko Alexander

Faculty: Engineering Mechanics and Engineering

Speciality: Metal-cutting machine-tools and systems

Theme of master's work: Justification of technological ways of finishing operations in the processing of details such as «Broaching puncheon»

Scientific adviser: prof. Kalafatova Ludmila



- I have a bachelor's degree with honors in the direction of «Engineering Mechanics»;

- middle mark in the period of study at the university: 4.74;

- freelance speak Russian and Ukrainian languages. English speak at the level of reading and correspondence;

- I have experience in software environments: Microsoft Office, Pascal, Delphy, AutoCad, T-Flex CAD, KOMPAS-3D, WinMachine, ANSYS, MathCAD;

- I have a specialty of the turner of third category.



      I was born on February 5, 1986 in Makeevka. My parents: father - Eugene Kondratenko works at the Makeevsky metsllurgical plant and my mother - Kondratenko Evgenia is a manager of drugstore.
      In 1990 I went to kindergarten ¹ 121 in Makeevka. I was a cheerful and mischievous child. Also, I attended the sections of karate and folk dances. I learned to read and write in 6 years, even knew English alphabet a little. So I went to school as quite prepared child. And, in general, childhood - is, probably, the most carefree period in my life.


      In 1993 I went to the first form of comprehensive school ¹7 in Makeevka. In school I liked history and geography, I participated in regional and city competitions on these subjects. Exact science I did not like, but thanks to work and perseverance, I achieved positive results in these subjects.
      During study at school, I constantly engaged in sports. In elementary school attended section of sports acrobatics. In the first form I won 1 st place at school competitions in this kind of sports in my age category, and in the second form I improved my results and took 2 nd place in the city competitions.
      Also, I went to section of karate, and in 1996 I started to go to dance school and attended this school during 4 years. I took part in various concerts, competitions and other cultural events.


      In 2003 I finished school. Because in the school I more liked the humanities, I decided that I will enter in Donetsk engineering-economic college on speciality «Accounting and auditing». Also, as the spare variant, I submited documents to Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) on specialty «Technology of mechanical engineering». By results of entrance examinations, I entered on both these specialities, but chose «Accounting and auditing». But after the third semester, for the personal reasons, I finished to study in College. Then I passed entrance examinations and entered on a speciality «Metal-cutting machine tools and systems». I understood, that to study in technical specialty is much more difficult than in economical specialty. However, the difficulties did not frighten me.
      During the study I took an active part in various student competitions and conferences.
      In 2009 I received a bachelor's degree with honors in the direction of the «Engineering Mechanics», and entered the masters degree course, where began the master's work «Justification of technological ways of finishing operations in the processing of details such as «Broaching puncheon», which was offer me by my scientific leader – professor Kalafatova Lyudmila. This theme, in my opinion, is very interesting and I with the big desire research this theme.

Plans for the future

      In the near future I plan to defend the master's work and get a job, preferably on a specialty. And in general, I want to bring my contribution to the development of mechanical engineering of Ukraine.
