Master of Donetsk National Technical University Dmitry Levchik

Dmitry Levchik

Faculty: The engineering mechanics and mechanical-building

Speciality: lifting-transport, road construction, reclamation machines and equipment

Theme of Master work:

Research of the tensely-deformed state of glue joint of conveyer belt with the use of method of eventual elements

Head: Anatoliy Grudachev

About myself:

DonNTUAverage mark in bachelor's degree: 4,75.

Fluently know Russian and Ukrainian languages. English language know to the extent sufficient for reading and correspondence.

I have experience in the following applications: MS Office 2003-2010, Компас 3D V12, MathCad V14, Adobe Audition 3.0, Fruity Loops Studio 9.10.



Hello! I am Dmitry Levchik. I was born on April, 15, 1988 in Donetsk in the family of engineers. It was a wonderful day. My father – Valentine Levchik, mother – Ljudmila Levchik. From the history I remember that on this day was born people such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Leonhard Euler, Catherine 1, Alla Pugacheva and many other famous personalities. My childhood was cloudless and carefree. Perhaps, like all children at that time i loved to run, play, study something, in general, involved the knowledge of the world. The greatest impact in shaping me as a person has had the upbringing of my parents than I am immensely grateful to them. Life in kindergarten was fun and bright. It is here, as it turned out in the future, I met most of my classmates. I still remember the name of the subgroup ("Sun"). Now in place of my kindergarten building is the Legal Donetsk University. When I was 7 years old I opened the door to a new world called "school".


In 1995 I was entered the first grade secondary school № 57 of Donetsk (I do not know why, but I wanted to go to school as soon as possible =). School years were very interesting and colorful. School years were very interesting and colorful. Since childhood I have loved two interesting things: sports and music. In my spare time I was played guitar or media keyboards. During the years of study, I have developed friendships with almost all teachers. I tried with the same responsibility to treat all subjects, but most of all I liked the sciences. Participated in various school and municipal contests. I participated in sports competitions in soccer and basketball competitions among schools of Donetsk. School I graduated from a well. In the interview I had no problems was admitted to the profession "lifting-transport, road construction, reclamation machines and equipment".


I arrived on faculty FPA (faculty of power-mechanic and automatization) (now FIMM (Faculty engineering mechanics mechanical-building)). I participated in various university competitions. I participated in the competition in my specialty in Kharkov. My supervisor Anatoly Grudachev. I have several publications in various scientific collections. I am finished training at the military department of the University, and received the rank of second lieutenant.

Plans on the future

The immediate plans to obtain a master's degree. Find a challenging and interesting work or start their own business. I do not like guessing the future, in general, wait and see.