Student of Donetsk National Technical University Krikun Yaroslav

Русский Українська Français

Krikun Yaroslav

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatic

Department: of electronic technics

Speciality: Electronic systems

Scientific adviser: c.t.s., doc. Korenev V.D.

Substantiation and study the structure of the electronic system for measuring the flow of drinking water in pressure pipelines of large diameter


I was graduated with bachelor of electronic (DonNTU) in 2009. Average for the period of study was 4.63. There are currently enrolled in various master DonNTU. I spek Russian and Ukrainian fluently, and has basic level in French. I have experience in the development of electronic devices and systems with microprocessor control.

Today I have experience of working with in various directions:

  • programming: Borland Pascal, Borland C++, Borland Delphi 7;
  • microcontroller programming: MPLab, ProView32;
  • modeling of electronic systems: Proteus, LabView, Electronics Workbench;
  • graphics packages: Visio, Compass;
  • Mathematical Packages: MathCad;
  • CAD: P-Cad.

I'm interested in everything. My hobbies are electronics and sound technicians. Cultivated giant African land snail Achatina fulica.

Curriculum vitae

I was born on May 26, 1988 in Gorlovka Donetsk region, Ukraine. My mother, Irina Nikolaevna, work librarian in school №69. My father, Victor Matveyevich, work as mechanical engineer. I have growed up as single child.

I went to school at 7 years. Studied quite easily and naturally. In the early years of training in their spare time and attended classes in ballroom dancing, and served twice as prizes in competitions. In recent years the school has received good training skills in engineering graphics.

In 2005 I entered the Donetsk National Technical University, the direction of preparation – "Electronics". In 2009 I graduated from the training program for bachelor. There are currently enrolled in various master DonNTU.

The theme of my final work can be formulated as follows: "Rationale and study the structure of electronic measurement system of drinking water in large diameter pressure pipelines. Supervisor – Korenev V.D.

Future Plans

Professional and creative plans for the near future is simple – the end of training in master's and successfully defended master's thesis, and then – employment, the establishment of itself as a full member of society and finding a niche activity.

In the future I want to apply their knowledge and skills in activities that derive satisfaction from the creative process and self-development.

© DonNTU, Krikun Yaroslav, 2010.