Master DonNTU Kislyan Oksana

Faculty: Computer Sciences and Technology
Speciality: Economical Cybernetics

Theme of master's thesis:
"Econometric models of strategy planning"

Supervisor: Olga Sitnikova


    The average mark during of the period of studying at the university: 4,6.

    Languages: Russian, Ukrainian. I can read and write English and Polish.

    I have the skills in working with the following applications: Microsoft Office, STATISTICA, Project Expert 6 Holding, MathCAD, "1C: Enterprise 7.x", "Parus-Enterprise", 3D Max, Adobe Photoshop CS2, BP Win 7.0.


    I was born on January 20, 1988 in Donetsk.
    I spent my childhood and schooldays in Donetsk. Here I live now.
    As a child I was very naughty but at the same time very creative child. I liked drawing very much: pencils and watercolor.
    At the kindergarten I visited the fine arts classes with pleasure, but an artist didn’t come out of me. Later I occupied myself with clay modeling, but this ardour lasted for about a year.
    Every summer I used to spend with my grandmother in the village Bodakva of Poltava region, where I had many relatives and friends, and there was beautiful nature: forest, river and fresh air (I couldn't breathe enough of it).


    On September 1, 1995 I started attending the first form of a Donetsk secondary school ¹ 69. My first teacher was Butsa Olga Henrihovna. She tried to become a tutor, teacher and friend in one person, and she did it well. At the junior school I learnt all subjects with interest as I was curious.
    At the senior school my favorite subjects were algebra, English and Russian literature. It was literature that introduced me to the joys of reading. At my spare time I like reading interesting books or articles. Most of all I prefer detective stories or historical books about the pharaohs. My favorite author is Anna Danilova.
    At school I took an active part in my group life: family evenings, dramatizations and also CCSW (Club of cheerfuls & sharp-witteds).
    Among my school teachers most of all I remember our second form master – Raisa Laktionova. Her lessons were very interesting and entertaining. At the ninth form she gave me the opportunity to deliver two mathematics lessons for the fifth forms. It was very exciting: new environment, new responsibilities, desire to help every child. And nevertheless I coped with it!
    In 2005 I finished school.


    I didn’t have reflection of university choice that is why I became a student of the Donetsk National Technical University.
    My University life began in the 11th form when I started training courses of DonNTU attending. On the friends’ advice I decided to enter speciality "Economical cybernetics" because this speciality combines both computer and economic sciences.
    The first course seemed to me quite difficult and required a lot of time and efforts, but after the first examinations I understood: the main thing is to do and pass laboratory works and yearly projects in time.
    The most interesting subject of university studying for me was "Advertising and computer graphics". At our classes we studied a multimedia program 3D Max, with the help of which we created the commercials, where we realized all our crazy thoughts and ideas.
    Also the studying of such subjects as following ones gave me some great benefit:
  • mathematical programming;
  • operations research;
  • statistics
  • computer networks;
  • economic cybernetics;
  • others.

  •     During my university studying I took part in the following projects:
    1. GMC – Global Management Challenge Junior – student championship in strategic management, where only teams take part. The team task is to study the history of the company, analyze its financial condition, production facilities, market position and its potential development. On the basis of the analysis, the team had to develop and implement some strategy for the company successful development and get maximal value of stocks price.

    2. "Business in jazz style". This project was created by the directorate which runs the company "Hercules" to provide an opportunity for potential employees to see how the company operates in "real" time, and take part in the company daily activities.

        At the moment I am working at my master's thesis on "Econometric models of strategy planning" under the guidance of Olga Sitnikova. The topic interested me at the analysis of existing problems in the economy of Ukraine. Enterprises and organizations should pay as much attention to strategy planning as possible and to the process of making sufficient profit and ensuring acceptable rates of development in accordance with the company mission.


        In the nearest future I am planning to finish my working at the master's thesis, and after to defend it successfully.
        The most important purpose for me is self-realization, therefore search of an interesting and favourite job will be a following step after graduation from DonNTU.
        Now I am taking part in group competition "Business in jazz style" which company "Herkules" is leading. During the competition to visit the manufacture, look at the whole process and offer ways of manufacture and organization improvement opportunity is given to groups. Everything is very interesting!!! I would like very much our ideas will been realised.
        Further I plan to continue English studying as I consider it is a basic component of any profession.
        In general, the main thing is an aim and desire to reach it, therefore it is not necessary to stop at the reached. It is necessary to move forward!
        P.S. I wish very much to do a parachute jump!!!

    © Kislyan Oksana, DonNTU 2010