Kolesnik Andrey

Faculty: Computer Science and Technologies

Speciality: Software Engineering

Department: Applied mathematics and informatics

Master's theme:

Distributed software system for image recognition

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Y. V. Ladyzhensky


Excellent knowledge: C# (Windows Forms, WPF, WCF, WF, ASP.NET, LINQ, Silverlight).

Programming Languages: C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, Assembler.

Web-programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, YAML, PHP (Symfony framework).

Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebird, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access.

Skills: Modeling Systems (UML), creating a client-server applications, writing application and network software, using Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Additional knowledge: I have the qualification of Bachelor in business economics.

Hobbies: IT, economics, sports, photography, music, movies.

Personal qualities: Communication skills, sociability, conscientiousness, punctuality.

Average mark – 4.6.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian native and technical English.

How to contact me.



I was born February 2nd, 1988 in the town Uglegorsk. Uglegorsk is a small town in the Donetsk region. I spent my childhood and wonderful school years there. My mother, Irina Kolesnik, works as an assistant physician-epidemiologist at linear sanitary-epidemiological station of the town Debaltsevo. My father, Victor Kolesnik, a miner by profession, is a metalworker at Uglegorskaya mine. I have an older brother, Alexander Kolesnik, who worked in the prosecutor's office of the city of Lugansk. My childhood took place under the supervision of parents, brother, grandfather Kolesnik Vasil Fedoseevich, and grandmother, Kolesnik Nina Andreyevna. I am grateful to them for their upbringing. As a child I liked going to kindergarten, was quiet and shy, and most of all I liked not only to disassemble toys to see how they work, but also to design them "anew".


I entered school at 6 years old. First and second grades at Uglegorsk school № 43 , and my 3rd through 11th grades I spent at Uglegorsk school № 42. In high school I was interested in geography, economics, computers and computer science. Participated in the school and district competitions, held the top places in geography and the Ukrainian language. Since the beginning of the eleventh grade I began to ride to Donetsk on weekends to attend 8-month preparatory courses in mathematics and computer science for admission. I finished school with a silver medal. Remembering my school years, I feel they flew by very quickly, leaving many bright and happy memories. My parents did not interfere in my choice of profession, I chose it entirely by myself. After analyzing my interests, I decided to study at a university in the computer science field. I do not regret my choice. On the budget form of education (a government scholarship) I was accepted into 3 universities: National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTU "HPI"), Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE), Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). I chose DonNTU.


The most difficult part for me was the first course, because after school I had to get used to the new training mode. In my second year of studying I decided to get a second degree in economics and received a degree in Economics at the Enterprise Institute of Postgraduate Education at DonNTU. During training in the bachelors degree I have had to write many small programs - this called for a programming language, with which a program with the right features can be written quickly, so I chose C # and I think that was the right decision. I started a software engineer at the Donetsk University of Economics and Law on Aug. 1, 2008. I began to develop, maintain and implement the software of the educational process. In February 2010, I received a bachelor's degree in business economics. To gain additional knowledge and a master's degree in computer science, I decided to study for a Master's. As the supervisor of my diploma I chose assistant professor, candidate of technical sciences Ladyzhensky Yuri Valentinovitch, because I consider him one of the best teachers with whom I had the opportunity to communicate. For my Master's thesis we have chosen the topic: "Distributed software system for image recognition".

Future Plans

Most of the masters of my profession write that in the future they see themselves as leaders of some project or company, so not to steal their plans and not to create more competition for their positions in the future I see myself as a different kind of a leader, a leader who will manage the companies' management for software development. I may not yet have the required experience but I am well prepared to utilize my best skills and learn new ones along the way.