
Магистр ДонНТУ Морозов Дмитрий Сергеевич

Тема выпускной работы: Система моделирования технологической схемы производства и организации работы с документами

Научный руководитель: доцент кафедры компьютерной инженерии, кандидат технических наук Теплинский Сергей Васильевич


Silverlight 4 Overview

Technical Features

April 15, 2010

John Papa — jopapa@microsoft.com

Adam Kinney — adkinn@microsoft.com

Silverlight 4 enhances the building of business applications, media applications, and applications that reach beyond the browser. New features include printing support, significant enhancements for using forms over data, support for several new languages, full support in the Google Chrome web browser, WCF RIA Services, modular development with MEF, full support in Visual Studio 2010, bi-directional text, web camera and microphone support, rich text editing, improved data binding features, HTML support, MVVM and commanding support, new capabilities for local desktop integration running in the new “Trusted Application” mode such as COM automation and local file access.

This document explains the new features in Silverlight, where you can find learning materials, and identifies additional resources.

Silverlight 4 Multi Touch Puzzle Using the New Trusted 
	Application, WebBrowser Control, and WebBrowserBrush Features
Figure 1 Silverlight 4 Multi Touch Puzzle Using the New Trusted Application, WebBrowser Control, and WebBrowserBrush Features

Full acticle can be found here: http://ecn.channel9.msdn.com/o9/learn/Silverlight4/Labs/Overview/WhatsNewInSilverlight4.xps