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Physical and Metallurgical Faculty Department of industrial heat-and-power engineering
Master of DonNTU - Dmitrenko Mariya Alexandrovna



Physical and Metallurgical


Industrial heat-and-power engineering


Energy management

Theme of masters work:

Study of the heat supply system using heat pumps and tank accumulators aimed at improving the efficiency of the primary energy resources usage

Supervisor of studies:

Dr.Sci.Tech., professor
Saphyants S.M.

email: mariya_ua@mail.ru

ICQ: 431-250-886



The foundations of the existing heat supply systems, worked out in the previous century, are now out of date. The lack generalizing criteria, that would provide optimal solutions when modernizing or creating heat supply systems. Implementation of new technologies is called forth only on economic basis. Peculiarities and needs of the Ukranian fuel-energy complex are nearly out of focus.

My work, based on research, contains a design of the energy supplying source project, taking into account alternative heat systems using heat pumps and tank accumulators. This design enables us to work out the most appropriate heat supply systems depending on the consumer type, available resources and development prospect; to improve environmental state, ensure energy assurance, increase the percentage of the alternative and renewable sources of energy etc.


The goal of my work is to research heat supply system using heat pumps and tank accumulators aimed at improving the primary energy resources usage efficiency.

Meanwhile the objectives gained are the following:

  • Study of different heat pumps specifications;
  • Consideration of tank accumulators used at different heat load;
  • Consideration of possible usage of different consumers;
  • Development of a criteria system, conditions and methods, allowing to identify the efficiency of heat supply systems;
  • Estimation of technical and economic characteristics and prospect of making such systems;
  • Development of guidelines to improve heat supply systems using alternative technologies aimed at fuel resources consumption reduction, reliability and safety improvement and environmental improvement;
  • Research results processing by means of mathematical simulation;
  • Development of heat supply systems planning methods.


Heat supply source planning methods have been developed. They take into account alternative heat supply systems using heat pumps and tank accumulators that can be put into practice. The methods include estimation of all the heat supply systems developed from the point of view of: energy efficiency, economic practicability, environmental impact, reliability, safety etc. All that is followed by the choice of the most appropriate heat supply system.


• Calculate, using research results, the possible efficiency of putting such systems into practice to improve the efficiency of primary resources consumption;

• Develop a complex of methodological and practical suggestions of heat supply systems planning for Ukraine.


Almost all developed countries have recently been paying substantial attention to heat pumping systems. Research discovers that in Ukraine putting heat pumping systems into practice is more likely in buildings life support systems.

Conditions in Ukraine are quite different from other countries, therefore to reconstruct heat supply systems special attention has to be paid to climatic conditions, consumer properties and availability of long-term energy resources.

Heat pump plants usage may provide considerable saving of fuel resources. Heat pumps can use low-potential heat sources, such as atmospheric air, soil, sewage etc.

Steam compressing and absorptive heat pumps are the most popular. Other pumps are either more expansive than the above ones or have a narrow range of application.


Thus, the main goal of my Masters thesis is to unify all the heat supply systems under consideration where heat pumps and tank accumulators are used to optimize and assess the characteristics of the heat systems under consideration. The work will result in methods development aimed at efficiency assessment of different heat pumps and tank accumulators usage in specific heat supply systems.


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  6. А. Г. Корольков, А.В. Попов, А. Влад. Попов Абсорбционные бромистолитиевые водоохлаждающие и водонагревательные трансформаторы теплоты //Проблемы энергосбережения № 1 (14) февраль 2003.
  7. http://www.prolin.com.ua/nasosy.html
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The Masters thesis was not yet finished when the author’s abstract was written. Date of completion – December 2010. The complete thesis and the materials will be received from the author or his guidance after the date.

Copyright © Dmitrenko Mariya, 2010