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Physical and Metallurgical Faculty Department of industrial heat-and-power engineering
Master of DonNTU - Dmitrenko Mariya Alexandrovna



Physical and Metallurgical


Industrial heat-and-power engineering


Energy management

Theme of masters work:

Study of the heat supply system using heat pumps and tank accumulators aimed at improving the efficiency of the primary energy resources usage

Supervisor of studies:

Dr.Sci.Tech., professor
Saphyants S.M.

email: mariya_ua@mail.ru

ICQ: 431-250-886


Average mark for the period of study for the degree of "bachelor" was 4,98.

Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages. In a level sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English.

I have experience of working with:

  • Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7;
  • Microsoft Office 97/2000/2003/2007;
  • Borland Pascal, Delphi, HTML;
  • ÊÎÌÏÀÑ-3D;

I'm keen on following sports: dance, swimming.



My name is Dmitrnko Mariya Aleksandrovna. I was born on the 25th of October 1988 in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. My father, Dmitrenko Aleksandr Vasilyevitch, May 1 1959, is an assistant steel maker in a steel-melting workshop at the Novokramatorskiy machine building plant. My mother, Dmitrenko Tatyana Nikolayevna, born January 1 1959, is a teacher at a comprehensive secondary school ¹ 22 in Kramatorsk. My brother, Dmitrenko Evgeniy Aleksandrovitch, born September 17 1982, is a system administrator at a jewelry company “Viola”.


I entered the comprehensive secondary school 22 in Kramatorsk in 1994. During my education I always took an active part in different arrangements and was fond of dancing. All that favored my spiritual and physical development and my studying.

I successfully finished the 9th grade in 2003 and went on with my education in a physical and mathematical class at school ¹ 22. My choice was due to my been keen on Physics, Maths and English.

I finished school in 2005 with a gold medal, was awarded a letter of commendation by the school’s authorities for my taking an active part in the work of both my school and my class. During my education at school I danced in a folk dancing group “Kalinka”, took part in international festivals, performed at the city and school cocerts and festive occasions.


I had little doubt choosing a university, because the National Engineering University of Donetsk is among the best engineering universities in Ukraine. After I acquainted myself with the list of departments my choice was flat. So after passing my exams successfully I began my 1st year study at department of physics and metallurgy with Energy Management as a major. Annually I made reports at the student scientific conferences. I took part in the second stage of the All-Ukranian student contest devoted to Energy Management in 2009 and received a certificate for a high level of knowledge. While at the University I live an active social life. Since my 3rd year I was appointed a trade union organizer of the group, and I still do my best to fulfill this function.

I received an honors Bachelors Degree and went on to get my Masters degree in 2009. My Masters thesis is devoted to heat supply systems using heat pumps and tank accumulators aimed at improving the efficiency of using the primary energy supply.

Thoughts about the future

"Never, never, never...Never give up!!!"

W. Churchil

These words have become my motto. I’m ready to do all I can to achieve success. I want to fulfill myself in my trade, to put my knowledge into practice, to develop as a specialist, to be able to move up the ladder of advancement and to get a material and spiritual satisfaction from my work. I am self-reliant and sure everything will come out Okay in my life!

Copyright © Dmitrenko Mariya, 2010