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  Olga Burlak  

Olga Burlak

Educational and Scientific Institute:   «Higher School of Economics and Management» (IEM)

Faculty   Management (FM)

Department   Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)

Speciality   «Personnel Management and Labour Economics» (PMLE)

Theme of Master's Work:    «Management style of human resource in a company»

Scientific Supervisor   Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor of the PMLE department Alexandra Sled’


Currently, the success of any business organization is increasingly dependent on its staff. This is reflected in the field of science and education is the rapid development and wide dissemination of knowledge in the field of personnel management. In countries with developed market economies, the study of this course has already become not only an important part of training for managers at all levels, but also a necessary component of higher education in general. Personnel Management is the core science of personnel management, and examines issues of business communication, as all activities of the head of managing people is directly linked and is realized through communication. Knowledge and skills in community relations managers and subordinates, business relations in general, needs not only an established and future leaders, but also to any force in the team of highly qualified specialist.

1. Urgency of master's work
The urgency of the problem for studying various styles of leadership people in the organization lies in the fact that the essential difference between management of other forms of human activity consists in making socially significant, affecting many people making and responsibility for their accuracy and efficiency to the enterprise. Resolution of the contradiction between common and private performance management activities, as well as the influence of personal qualities of the head at the decision-making mechanism is expressed by the concept of "leadership style".

2. Aims master's work

2.1 The idea of work
The idea of this work is to improve their knowledge on the topic, identify and characterize the existing leadership styles and to try to answer the question - what style of leadership to choose.
2.2 Purpose
The main objective of master's work is the use of sociometric techniques to examine the development of interpersonal relationships, the formation of group norms, values and options for cooperation and mutual responsibility, which affect the performance of the group. These studies will help to select the most appropriate style of leadership by people for a particular organization.
2.3 The main objective of development
The main objective of master's work is the formation of modern management skills, develop the initial skills formation of the individual style of management of relationships with people at work in the organization.
The study of this problem gives the opportunity to: learn tool for identifying values and value orientations of the individual, their management in achieving organizational goals, determine the specific role of leader in the relationship with team members; skillfully dispose of his time to apply advanced technology personnel, to organize and staff performance using the criteria and indicators in assessing the socio-economic efficiency of the personnel management.
2.4. The subject and object of master's work
The subject is to study the styles of leadership people in the organization.
The object of favor different types of organizations, an example which we study the existing types of leadership styles.
2.5 Research methodology
The research methodology is formalized-logical study of interpersonal relations, the formation of group norms, values and options for cooperation and mutual responsibility, which affect the efficiency of the group. This option is more interesting for managers, oriented to development and prosperity of the company.

3. The novelty and processing of the results
In this master's work, we use the socio-metric technique, which is used for the diagnosis of interpersonal and intergroup relations in order to change, improve and improve. With sociometry can explore a typology of social behavior in group activities, to conclude that social and psychological compatibility of members of particular groups. The objectives of sociometric procedures are:
  1. measuring the degree of cohesion, disintegration in the group;
  2. identification of "sociometric positions", ie, correlative the authority of members of the group on grounds of sympathy, antipathy, where the extremes are "leader" group and "rejected";
  3. detection of intra-subsystems, cohesive entity, headed by may have their own opinion leaders.
Using sociometry allows measurement of the credibility of formal and informal leaders to regroup people in teams so as to reduce tension in the team, arising from the mutual hostility of some members of the group.
Sociometry method includes several steps: gathering preliminary information about the group, conducting sociometric survey, analysis and interpretation of the data. Surveillance is necessary to collect primary information, setting research objectives and the correct choice questions.
The procedure sociometric survey is very simple, however, it requires compliance with certain standards and requirements. One of the main conditions - a personalized involvement. This method can not be used anonymously, or simply impossible to interpret the results.
There are certain requirements regarding the composition of groups: its boundaries should be clearly marked (employees only one department or members of a team) need to "age" of a group of at least two to three months.
There are also requirements for the specialist who conducts sociometric survey: it can not be a member of this group and it must use its credibility (which is inherent eycharu).
Proposal (or issue) may change, as long as it was formulated simply, clearly and unambiguously understood by all parties.
Further on the basis of forms with the responses of participants filled in the socio-metric matrix - a table which shows the distribution of individual choices. The matrix for each member of the group calculated the amount received by the elections and the amount received variances. Based on these figures one can build a "popularity ratings", to determine the positions of the participants in the structure of interpersonal relations, highlighting subgroups, etc.
There are personal sociometric indices (PSI) and group sociometric indices (GSI). The first is characterized by individual socio-psychological characteristics of personality in the role of a member of the group. The latter gives numerical characteristics of holistic sociometric configurations elections in the group. They describe the properties of group structures of communication. The basic IFP are: index of sociometric status i-term, emotional expansiveness j-term, volume, intensity and concentration of interaction ij-term. Symbols i and j denote the same person, but in different roles; i - chosen, j - he chooses, ij - the combination of roles.
Use the index of group cohesion is useful to compare the results of the two (or more) groups. In such cases, it can be considered as the unit of measurement. On the basis of the completed sociometric matrix is constructed sociogram. It allows you to visualize the results clearly see a picture of established relationships in the group. You can build individual and group sociogram. In practice, individual sociogram rarely used (it makes sense to build only to compare the leaders of various groups at the same level) as well as group sociogram fully displays the entire picture of group interaction.
The most common type sociogram - "target". It is a set of concentric circles, whose number corresponds to the largest number of elections for one member of the group. "Target" is good maximum clarity: even when a large number of participants immediately see the mutual election and rejection, the frequency of elections and deviations. It is important, and overall impression of the scheme, which creates a predominance of a particular color, the total number of arrows. These sociometric studies reveal the formal and informal links in the group, see the configuration of real human relationships. This provides managers with a constructive influence on human relations, to determine the centers of resistance during the transformation of the organizational structure or changing the organization's goals and leadership style, effectively resolve conflicts and prevent their occurrence.
Emotional preferences of people are unevenly distributed: in any group on a few of its members ("stars") holds a majority of positive choices, while most members of the group is selected, and rarely appears in the "emotionally deprived". The "stars" fall into the group members who received the maximum number of elections. Members of the group who received the results of sociometry large or average number of elections are classified as "preferred", and those who chose rare - to the "accepted", and those who were not selected even once - to "isolated". Members of the group who received only deviations fall into the category of "excluded". In this case, it could be a rejection of the person or group that he does not manifest itself, avoids contact with colleagues. Mutual elections have shown the presence of friendly or friendly. Mutual deviations almost certainly indicate the existence of the conflict.
All data obtained through sociometry, are relative: they show the distribution of power, relationships and popularity within the group. Therefore, all the specifications - "leader", "preferred", "acceptance", "isolated", "outcast" - have meaning only in relation to this group. In the other group (formal or informal) a person can take a different position, sometimes diametrically opposite . "Stars" in the team of builders may be "isolated" in the group of trade union activists, and a group of football fans - "preferred", etc. "Stars" or "excluded" in general, beyond a certain group - does not happen.

4. The history of research and development on master's work
A significant contribution to the study of leadership styles made by E. Mayo. So, on the basis of his tests have been formulated in the classical theory of management characteristics of an authoritarian, democratic and passive (liberal) leadership style. Levin and his followers believed that the individual style of a particular manager depends on his personal psychological qualities and can be purposefully formed on the basis of understanding of the problems of the organization. During the experiments, identified three "classic" style of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and Laissez-(neutral). This gave rise to allegations that the leadership style does not prejudge the psychological type of leader, and the environment in which it operates. The most important common base allocation of these styles served as the nature of decision-making and relationship manager to subordinates.
The participants conducted research Levine R. K. Vita and R. Lippet reflected in tabular form prominent features three classic leadership styles (table 4.1).

Table 4.1 – Characteristics of the classical styles of leadership
Criterion Authoritarian Democratic , Laissez
1 2 3 4
1. Production goals Objectives Chef Objectives - the result of group decision with the support of the head Complete freedom to make individual and group decisions, the minimal participation of the head
2. Distribution Jobs All job offers Head, and the employee does not know what job he will get next time Establish a certain order of distribution of work. Depending on the wishes of the employee manager can give advice and offer more job Manager provides the necessary materials and at the request of the employee gives information
3. Evaluation Head of personal rewards and punishes the workers, but in the labor process itself is not involved Leader seeks to use objective criteria of criticism and praise, is trying to directly participate in the group Leader gives some spontaneous comments, the regulation and assessment of group work missing
4. The working atmosphere High tension, hostility Free, friendly atmosphere The atmosphere of arbitrariness of individual staff
5. Group cohesion Submissive, unquestioning obedience High group cohesion, low turnover Low group cohesion
6. Interest in the tasks performed Low High Minimum
7. The intensity (quality) of work High intensity High originality results  
8.Willingness to work In the absence of the head recess In the absence of the head continued Breaks on in a work request
9. Motivation labour Minimal High motivation of each employee and the group as a whole Minimal

Each of the three classic styles of leadership has its own characteristic forms of external manifestation.
Made by Levin and his followers conclusions about the benefits of a democratic style of obschegruppovyh labor achievements, satisfaction with work and stay in the team, as well as the integration of the group have been critically analyzed by scientists R.M. Stogdillom. In his view, neither democratic nor authoritarian style does not have clear advantages to increase productivity and can not be recommended as the only correct, universal style of leadership. Clear advantages of a democratic style are manifested only in the satisfaction of employees work and stay in the team.
A classic example is the multi-dimensional mesh of styles of managerial behavior, developed by R. Blake and D. Moughton. It combines two styles of leadership: focused on people-oriented and task. Leadership style, focused on the task applies to modifications to the authoritarian style, characterized by concentrating on the head of the organizational problems and, consequently, the weakening of attention to people. Style-oriented people, characterized by concentrating on the head of staff, their needs and expectations. Steele, a task-oriented and people have different and even in many respects the opposite direction, but they still can be combined in the behavior of the head.
Scientific Lattman has developed a multi-dimensional style of leadership that takes into account 15 criteria and detailing reflect a very wide range of management behavior. These complex, detailed differentiated styles are primarily scientific and theoretical, analytical value and real leadership are not used.
One of the most successful attempts at a more differentiated to reflect on the merits of the main parameter styles of leadership - decision-making, and bring them to practice is the isolation of R. Tannenbaum, and Schmidt, seven patterns of behavior that characterize the space between authoritarian and democratic leadership style and the gradual movement from the first style to the second. Continuum of leadership styles, which are located between authoritarian and democratic (cooperative) styles, depending on the characteristics of decision-making, they presented a scheme (pic. 4.1).
Concept of «X» theory «XY» MacGregor, according to which a person with an innate aversion refers to the work. So most people need to monitor, guide and under penalty forced to work. Such ideas led to the development of bureaucratic types of organizations - the traditional structures of authoritarian (paternalistic) type, which pay much attention to coercion and control.
Scheme of Tannenbaum-Schmidt
In the scheme of Tannenbaum-Schmidt, reflecting the intermediate forms between authoritarian and democratic behavior, identified several approaching the authoritarian type of leadership styles. A distinctly different versions of an authoritarian leadership style expressed in the classification under which they are, depending on the characteristics of the relationship manager and subordinates, are divided into the patriarchal, charismatic, autocratic and bureaucratic стили руководства. styles of leadership.

Pic 4.1 - Scheme of Tannenbaum-Schmidt
Animation consists of 11 shots time-lagged in 5ms between shots; delay to the repeated reproducing of makes 30ms; the amount of cycles of reproduction is unlimited

Recently, assessment of management styles among researchers largely unchanged. If the liberal and authoritarian styles are not so long ago characterized predominantly negative, and the democratic considered the most acceptable, now come to understand that he is optimal management style, which brings the company more profits, provides stable production, the progressive nature of the firm. Increasing attention is paid to the subjective, psychological features of the professional activity of the leader, his personal characteristics.
It is clear that each manager chooses the style that best suits him - for a specific company, and under your personality type. But here are some important tips that can be taken into account:
  • Manager must understand that the company - as a single organism. She lives according to certain laws - both the general business laws, as well as their own, which exist only inside the company. It is therefore important to feel the unity of the company, and in accordance with this pick a style guide, which will be the most harmonious.
  • It is important to remember that nothing stands still, everything moves and changes. The head also should not stand still, he should grow up, get additional education, constantly learning something new and innovate in the company. Then it will keep pace with rapidly changing times and avoid stagnation. Therefore, the selected style guide should take into account the need for changes in the company.
  • Take into account the psychology of people who work with the leader. Remember that business is people first, and only then technology. Therefore, for any manager it's important to pick a team that everyone was not only in its place, but also successfully coped with their responsibilities and was able to more effectively reach their potential, because it depends on the success of the company.
Therefore, selecting the style of leadership, must take into account the psychological features of the team.
The essence of the leader is the organizational work. That supervisor directs and coordinates the activities of performers. In turn, the performers are obliged to obey him and fulfill all his instructions. Sometimes, however, he becomes the head of the Executive, but only in order to penetrate more deeply into the specifics of the company. In organizing their teams, the head is engaged in creative work, and the higher its official position, the more creative is his approach to leadership. Scientific and technological progress and spur to continuous improvement of leadership skills. However, the organization of the department - only one side of leadership. The head is also required to guide the work of staff, promote their further development and even to influence their behavior, including off-duty. To do this, not enough training. Requires ability to work with people, pedagogical and psychological knowledge.
All people are different. The same leaders, as exactly the same people who can not be. With all the universal rules and requirements of managers differ leadership style, characters, professional qualities, approach to people. Each manager has its own unique style of leadership. Thus, we can conclude that there is no universal, best management style. Linearity of social events and the weak predictability of social relationships, especially on medium and long term, requires managers to adequately assess the situation of creative analysis of objective constraints and subjective possibilities of overcoming them, predict the consequences of decision making. In other words, the present situation requires the head of the practical application of the whole arsenal of management science in general, with the conscious use of the strengths of the individual manager. This approach is denoted as individual situational style of management. On the formation of a style influenced by the environment, professionalism, difficulty in solving the tasks, methods of stimulating, life and production experience, and value orientation.

  1. Пугачев В.П. Управление персоналом в организации: Пособие для вузов. – М.: Аспект Прес, 1998. – 279 с.
  2. Хмель Ф.И. Основы менеджмента: Пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений. – К.: Академвидав, 2007. – 576 с.
  3. Армстронг М. Практика управления человеческими ресурсами. 8-е изд. – Питер, 2004. – 832 с.
  4. Десслер Гари. Управление персоналом. Учебное пособие. Пер. с англ. Под общ. изд. И.М.Степнова. – М.:БИНОМ, 2004. – 799 с.
  5. Качан Е.П., Шушпанов Д.Г. Управление трудовыми ресурсами: Учебное пособие для ВНЗ. - К.: Юридическая книга, 2005. - 358с.
  6. Щекин Г.В. Как эффективно управлять людьми: психология кадрового менеджмента: Науч.-практ.пособие: 10-летию МАУП посвящ. / Отв.ред. И.В. Хронюк; Межрегион. Акад. упр. персоналом. - К.: МАУП, 1999. - 400с.
  7. Шаульськая Л.В. Социально-трудовые отношения как фактор развития потенциала // Актуальные проблемы економики: Науч. экон. журн. м. Киев (Украина). - 2005. - № 6. - С.136-145.
  8. Описание: Сайт содержит экономические статьи и прогнозы.
  9. Описание: Сайт содержит информацию о вакансиях, работодателях и тренингах.
  10. Описание: Сайт содержит экономико-правовую библиотеку.
  11. Описание: Сайт содержит статьи по менеджменту персонала.
  12. Описание: Сайт посвящён Российско-Немецкому Дому в Москве и учебным центрам при нём, с оиписанием учебных программ.
  13. Описание: Информационный ресурсный центр по практической психологии.
  14. Описание: Журнал "Менеджер по персоналу" в электронном виде

    When writing this Autosummary Masters qualification work is completed. Date of final completion: 1-st of December, 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the subject of the work can be obtained from the author or supervisor after that date.
