Master of Donetsk National Technical University Dasha Gorovenko

Dasha Gorovenko

Faculty:Management (FM)
Department: Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)
Speciality: “Personnel Management and Labour Economics” (PMLE)
Theme of Master’s Work: “Organisation of the Personnel Professional Training at the Enterprise”
Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor of PMLE Department Oksana Zaharova

the Master’s Qualification Work
«Organisation of the Personnel Professional Training at the Enterprise»


   Personnel development is essential to the operation of any enterprise. This is especially true today, when the acceleration of scientific and technological progress greatly accelerates the process of obsolescence of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore the organization of professional training has become one of the main functions of personnel Management Company.

   A theme urgency. Training is the most important tool for achieving strategic goals of the enterprise’s Success to the implementation of the most important strategic objectives of the enterprise depends largely on the extent to which staff is aware of the contents of the strategic objectives and how it is prepared to work to achieve them. The need for rapid changes in the structure and management principles, improving the organization's ability to survive in a competitive environment is forcing executives more and more businesses move from short-term plan, which was appropriate in the face of uncertainty in economic conditions in Ukraine in the 90th years of the twentieth century, to bring about lasting enterprise development strategies. Implementing these strategies requires a higher level of training, both managers and ordinary staff. Education for all categories of workers is intended to facilitate the successful achievement of long-term and short-term goals of the enterprise.

   Training of personnel is the major route for vocational education. Working in the company, the employee must constantly improve their education, learning the theoretical part of the profession and acquire practical skills. Through the course develops the working potential of staff.

   Communication of work with scientific programs, plans, themes

   The Master’s Qualification Work done during of 2008-2010 according to the scientific direction of the Department of «Personnel Management and Labour Economics» Donetsk National Technical University.

   The purpose of this research is to study national systems of professional training at the enterprise, its types and forms, the definition of training needs, training objectives, identify shortcomings of the system, and review the effectiveness of training.

   Idea of work is to study the system of professional training and opportunities for improvement in domestic enterprises with the most efficient use.

   The objectives of the work are:

  • the study of literary sources for the development of staff;
  • collecting and analyzing statistical data on personnel training in domestic companies and overseas;
  • determine the effectiveness of training in the enterprise.

   The subject of the research is the system of professional training.

   The object of the research is organisation of the personnel professional training at the enterprise.

   Methods of researches – economic and statistical analysis, the study of legal and regulatory framework, the study of monographic publications and articles, analytical method, a systematic approach and prognosis.

   Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it analyzed the direction of staff training on domestic enterprises and found the method to determine the effectiveness of the impact of training in the enterprise.

   The practical significance of the work is to study the system of professional training and opportunities for improvement in domestic enterprises.

Research Summary

   The system of professional development of staff at the company aimed at bringing the skills of workers in conformity with the requirements of production, the optimum satisfaction of personal interests of employees associated with self-actualization, improving the efficiency of their work, thereby ensuring the competitiveness of goods (works, services). The system includes a host:

  • professional training;
  • certified staff, which according to the classification of occupations belong to the relevant professional officer category;
  • certification of personnel;
  • formation of reserve managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

   Under the professional instruction, refers to any activity, it is known that being to develop and sustain core competencies of personnel needed to perform work at the moment, or for capacity development of personnel required to perform work in the future. More specifically, the training - is a process of direct transfer of new skills, and (or) knowledge of the organization. In today's organizations, vocational training is a complex continuous process which includes several phases and can be represented by a cyclic model, Fig. 1 [7].

Cyclic model of professional training
Figure 1 - Cyclic model of professional training
(Animation: volume - 34 КB; size - 600x197; number of shots - 9; number of repetition cycles - infinity; delay between shots - 1 s; delay between the last and first shot - 4 s)

   The second stage of professional development is an appraisal, which is implemented by the order (decree) of the head, which approves the composition of the evaluation commission, the schedule that is communicated to the employees not later than two months to conduct evaluations.

   The next stage of professional training at the enterprise is certified personnel, which is aimed at:

  • creating an enabling environment for the success of the enterprise, domestic and foreign markets, as well as to participate in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade by introducing a competitive product or the provision of quality services through highly qualified personnel;
  • introduction of an effective system of assessment staff to ensure its professionalism to meet the requirements of international standards of product quality.

   The main purpose of the next stage is to build a reserve of managers in the company, to enhance and improve the work on their selection, placement, professional development, encouraging managerial initiative and activity [2]. For the professional training of personnel in the workplace apply to such types:

  • initial training of workers – is professional training of persons who have not previously had a working career that provides a level of relevant professional qualifications required for productive professional activities [5];
  • retraining of workers – a professional training, aimed at mastering another profession workers who have received primary training [11];
  • improving skills – this is vocational training of employees, which makes it possible to expand and deepen the previously obtained knowledge and skills at the level of the existing requirements of production or service industries [11].

   Professional training is costly financial, material and labor resources. Therefore, the formation and control of expenditure on education is an important function of service management personnel. Three factors significantly affect the magnitude of the budget of training: the needs of the enterprise vocational training of personnel and financial resources, promoting training of employees of the state.

   On the basis of determining the demand for training in the enterprise, office of Personnel Management shall formulate specific goals for each training program. The objectives of vocational training should be concrete and specific, so that guidance for skills and practical skills to assess the process and upon completion of training. The objectives of vocational training should be clearly articulated, as in this case can evaluate the effectiveness of staff training.


   The system of professional training should now be ongoing and take place throughout the work. Enterprises should consider the costs of training as an investment in fixed assets, which provide the most effective use of modern technology.

   Summing up the consideration of such important issues as training, special attention should be paid to those most important conditions, consideration of which will enhance the return on every hryvnia, investment in training:

  1.    Effective training of all categories of staff is impossible without the active support of top management.
  2.    Prepare and conduct training requires the fullest possible accounting of organizational conditions that could affect its results, and determine by increasing returns from learning.
  3.    The more thoroughly are identified training needs, the better the content and form of training will be correlated with the purpose and objectives of the enterprise.
  4.    The efficiency of learning is possible only if the company will keep the questions related to the effectiveness of training their employees.


  1. Васильченко В.С. Управління трудовим потенціалом. – К.: «КНЕУ», 2005. – 403 с. [Electronic resource] / Васильченко В.С., Гриненко А.М., Грішнова О.А., Керб Л.П. / - Access mode to the book:
  2. Егоршин А.П. Управление персоналом. – Н.Н.: «НИМБ», 2003. – 720 с. [Electronic resource] / Егоршин А.П. / - Access mode to the book:
  3. Заюков І.В. Розвиток професійного навчання кадрів на виробництві // Экономические науки. – 2006. – №5. – С. 34-39. [Electronic resource] / Заюков І.В., Коваль Н.О. / - Access mode to article:
  4. Иглин В.А. Проблемы развития профессиональной подготовки кадров на производстве // Управление персоналом. – 1998. – №3. – С. 25-29.
  5. Кибанов А.Л. Управление персоналом организации. – М.: Инфра-М, 2001. –572с. [Electronic resource] / Кибанов А.Л. / - Access mode to the book:
  6. Красношапка В.В. Управління людськими ресурсами: курс лекцій. – К.: Київ, 2004 – 42с.
  7. Крушельницька О.В., Мельничук Д.П. Управління персоналом – К.: Кондор, 2003. – 296с.
  8. Одегов Ю.Г., Журавлев П.В. Управление персоналом. – М.: Финстатинформ, 1997. – 878с.
  9. Постанова Кабiнету Мiнiстрiв України вiд «Про документи про освiту та вченi звання» 12.11.97 № 1260 // Офіційний вісник України. – 1997. – №46. – С. 4-8. [Electronic resource] – Access mode to laws:
  10. Пукас Г.К. Организация и методика производственного обучения рабочих. – Днепропетровск: Днепропетровск, 1987. – 305с.
  11. Савченко В.А. Управління розвитком персоналу. – К.: КНЕУ, 2002. – 351с. [Electronic resource] / Савченко В.А. / - Access mode to the book:
  12. Шекшня В.С. Управление персоналом современной организации. – М.: «Москва», 1996. – 300с.


   When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 2010. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.