Theme of master`s work:

Katsjuba Natalia


The topicality of research

The topicality of research is defined by crucial changes that are taking place in native practice of enterprises’ management. The development of production is continuously connected with the progress in scientific-technical area. To develop effective innovative activity the presence of powerful economic basis is necessary, which is able to meet the demands of innovative production with all necessary resources. Innovational resources, that provide the necessary investment potential of an enterprise, are represented by an economic flow of material-technical, financial, information and labour resources. That’s why the usage of logistics as a function of financial flow management helps rationalize and optimize the management of financial flows at all stages of innovation process at an enterprise.

In the area of securing the innovation process logistics directs the efforts to create a new innovative product with adequate cost and consumer qualities, that’s securing high quality and minimization of costs.

At present, we can define such peculiarities of the market as frequency and unpredictability of demand changes, the emergency of new requirements, which shorten the longevity of goods circuit and the terms to react to changes in market environment, cause high risks of non-realization of goods, and hence unjustifiable accumulation of goods and costs increase. This causes the need in effective planning of material resources, which will be applied in innovative production.

A great attention to scientific and methodological aspects of logistics concerning enterprises is paid in works of native and foreign scholars and experts. Among them we can single out Krikavskiy E., Balabanova L., Anikin B., Gadzhinskiy A., Bouercox D., Haskett J. and others. The research of Chukhray N. is also devoted to logistic management of innovation processes. Meanwhile a definite number of points of logistic management of innovation enterprises’ activity rests unsolved, which gave grounds for defining the topic of the research.

The purpose and tasks of the research.

The purpose and tasks of the research. The purpose of the master’s degree research is the development and scientific grounding of the complex of theoretic-methodological statements that broaden the perception about the essence of logistical management, and the formation on its basis the methods of planning of logistical flows at an innovational enterprise.

The purpose of the research defined the necessity to state and solve the following tasks:

  • to research the views of native and foreign scholars to the essence of logistical management, define the factors that influence the realization of principals of logistical flows management in innovational activity of an enterprise;
  • to reveal the essence, define the principals, to propose the typology and classification of logistical flows, and implement the analysis of logistical flows in purchasing logistics;
  • to research the problems of methodology and planning models of input logistical flows in innovational activity;
  • to develop the formal principals of planning of input logistical flows, which will let select the way to supply the resources at an innovational enterprise.

The object of the research is the processes, mechanisms and organizational planning models of input logistical flows.

The object of the research is input logistical flows of enterprises of innovational area.

The methods of the research. The methodological and theoretical basis of the research are scientific projects represented in the works by foreign and native scholars, devoted to topical problems of the theory and practice of planning process. In the course of the research we used common scientific methods: abstraction, types classification, comparison, systematic approach, logic-analytical evaluation of parameters, modeling of processes in economics, analogy, expert evaluation, quality and quantity analysis. The informational foundation of the research is the data, represented in works of native and foreign scholars, national and foreign periodicals.

The scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of the received results lies in making a research of the process of planning logistical flows of enterprises’ activity from the position of logistical competency. The results that reflect the scientific novelty are the following:

  • the category set of the logistical conception is analyzed, as a result we specify and detail the conception of the following notions: “logistics” and “the logistical circuit” of an enterprise;
  • the complex analysis of applied logistics set is done with the following classification and definition of probable circumstances of its application in scientific and practical areas of production organization;
  • the methods of planning the logistical cycle of an enterprise is analyzed with respect to systematic and process approaches, and is adapted to the conditions of innovational enterprise activity;
  • the method approaches of appropriate actions are defined for creation of an effective organizational management structure, including material flows planning at an innovational enterprise;
  • methodological recommendations for planning improvement of material supply of innovational activity of an enterprise are compiled.
The structure and volume of the research paper.
The master’s degree research comprises an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and appendixes.
The Basic Content of the Master’s Degree Research

Chapter 1. The theoretical basis of input logistical flows in innovational activity.

At present the topicality of logistics does not arise doubt. Many researchers and industrial managers pay attention to the problems of logistics. Enterprises spend 5-35% of sales volume on logistics according to type of activity, geographical scale of activity and other factors.

Developed countries spend hundreds of millions of dollars on logistics, and the trend to increase these costs is observed over the years. About 40% of these costs is given to store the supplies.

The logistics in Ukraine, despite many examples of successful implementation of logistics approach at some enterprises, is at low level.

The problem of transference to an innovational development is especially crucial at the enterprises of machine building industry, as the main factor of competitiveness of these enterprises is their technological development. Technological progress defines the development of machine-building industry, as well as the effectiveness of cooperation of the industry with other industries, the increase of competitiveness of products and labour force.

The logistical ensuring of the innovational potential takes place as a result of cooperation. As a result of economic cooperation of innovations and logistics, the interdependent and inter-caused influence between them takes place that has both-side character.

The logistical system is a necessary condition for existence and functioning of an innovational activity of an enterprise, the object of the logistics is aimed at economic flow (the flow of material, financial, informational, labour and other resources).

The degree of interrelation is defined by the degree of penetration of logistics into the system of an enterprise: capability, possibilities and readiness of the enterprise system to accept the logistic methods, principals and tools to manage the flow processes.

Let’s consider the levels of interaction, or otherwise the evolution of interaction between the economic categories “innovations” and “logistics”.

Innovational logistics creates the basis, the so-called “foundation” of interaction between the innovations and logistics.

Innovational logistics is defined as a purposeful practical activity to secure implementation of the innovations into basic and circulating means of logistic area to provide constant and economically effective carrying out of basic functions of the logistics – the processes of physical promotion of materials and raw resources, supplement of transportation and manipulation processes, as well as realization of informational logistical processes.

Innovations at the given level play the role of the main source to form the potential of the logistical system.

Considering the logistics as a practical activity to organize and manage the processes of movement of material, financial, informational and other flows in the system of market economy, we should admit that the main object of logistics system management is the material flow. Different technical means are to be used to secure the processes of product promotion and supply sustain, as well as the realization of informational logistic processes. These means, the ways to use them, as well as the system to sustain their workability, create the infrastructure of logistic processes. That’s why the biggest implementation of logistics potential, in its applied sense, exert influence on material asserts.

Chapter 2. The basic methodological statements of logistical planning of an innovational enterprise.

The function of “planning” implies solving he tasks concerning establishment of optimal flow direction, the formation of the flow itself, defining its intensity, the scale of flow movement etc.

The system of planning must exist at an enterprise to allow the organization effective planning, that means a subordinate structure of separate types of planning. The main demands for such a structure are:

  • documentary support. It is important to document the basic aspects to adjust planned calculations and to control plans implementation;
  • standardization. The framing of the documentation is carried out according to definite standards;
  • organizational structure. It is necessary to establish an organizational structure to both order the activity of plan development and to secure the flexibility of planning system, the possibilities for improvisation and adaptation to circumstances that change;
  • accuracy. It is necessary to define clearly the accuracy of measurement of planned objects;
  • coordination. All peculiar plans of the planning system have to be coordinated between different levels of planning system as well as within one level. It is necessary to coordinate the goals, forecasts, means, actions of executive authorities, the level of necessity and urgency, hierarchy, sequence, flexibility etc.
  • continuity, flexibility and cyclicity. Continuity means that when some plans are already developed and are carried into effect, other plane are developed in accordance to them collaterally. Flexibility means consideration the possibility of vague conditions emergency and plans’ reconsidering. Cyclicity means specification, correction according to the circumstances, changes in purposes, tasks, and means of the same plans while approaching time terms.

While choosing the way of organizing planning we should consider what way of demand the organization deals with: dependent or independent. If the general demand is formed by a great number of separate consumers, each of them has a demand for a definite kind of goods despite others, and this means – has an independent demand. In this case a forecast is made and planning according to resources is done.

While dependence on demand, a material requirements planning is possible. This approach means calculation demands in all kinds of materials, raw materials, interchangeable parts, necessary to produce every kind of product out of the basic schedule in necessary demand, according to supply.

Chapter 3. Methodological recommendations to improve logistical flows planning of innovational enterprise activity.

Developed methodological recommendations for material supply planning for innovational production activity allow to consider cost change connected with transportation, preparation and consumption of material supplies, which volume in real conditions may be important. The results of supply selection are not constant and may be changed according to demand, supply terms, price and tariffs.

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