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Miteyko Vitaly S.

Institute of Mining Engineering and Geology Technologies

Department Speciality:Working mine minerals

The topic of the master's project:

«A ground of parameters and construction of cartridge of not explosive destroying material is the creating directed destruction»

        The project supervisor: Sakhno Ivan G.


 My average grade during training at the University is 4,7. Fluent Russian and Ukrainian. The level of English is basic. Hobbies are sports, especially football and boxing, car enthusiast. Personal qualities: responsibility, sociability, purposefulness. A citizen of Ukraine. Family status: not married.


 I, Miteiko Vitaly Stanislavovich, was born on 24th April, 1988, in the village of Konstantinovka, Maryansky district, Donetsk region. My mother, Miteiko Svetlana, was born in 1965. She is a business woman. My father Miteiko Stanislav Vladimirovish, died


 My childhood begin with a kindergarten “Kolosok”, at that time I was 1.4 years old, and was brought up there until 7. According to my mother I was an obedient, inquisitive, energetic, I involved in all sorts of matinees and even at that time I was responsible and independent. I have lots of memories of a carefree life, first impressions, especially training for further education in school, and friends whom I still communicate with


In September 1, 1995 I was admitted to the first form, Konstantinovskaya School ¹ 1. I did not miss my kindergarten because at that time I thought that there opened an interesting and adult life for me. The person who began laying the foundation of my education was my first teacher, Komar Lyudmila, I am very much obliged to the for this. School years were flying slowly and confidently, and at this time , besides studying, I was interested in football, table tennis, engaged in ballroom dancing. I took part in competitions, volleyball, athletics, table tennis and all sporting events. Finishing school, I had to think about my further education and all the 11th form I devoted to advanced study of mathematics. Being more interested in technological sciences, than in humanities, I chose Donetsk Technical University. My parents helped me to make this choice and went to the University for my entrance interview. Knowing that I was taken in to the free education at the University, I easily passed the school final examinations. On this happy note, my school life ended, leaving incredible impressions, memories, notions about life and real friends.


2005 is another turning point in my life. Before me there is a beautiful student adult lie in the hospice and study at the University. Having realized this really interesting independent life, I did not have to be the slightest bit bored over the school. Education after high school was unusual, and therefore the firs session did not come easy to me. But as I am a sociable person and I had a solid foundation in education and upbringing, I quickly adapted to this form of training. Each subsequent day became more interesting and brought new friends into my new life. Then I had my production training practices, the first and second ones I had at the mine “Yuzhnodonbasskaya ¹3” as a miner stope. They created new qualities in me, destroyed some misunderstanding about the mines and enhanced knowledge in the field of my specialty, leaving an unforgettable impression. In 2007 I entered another faculty in the same University with a degree of Manager. I did my 3rd industrial practice on a mine Shcheglovsk-deep. In 2009 I passed the state exam and got “good” and received a Bachelor degree, entered the magistracy. The head of my Master thesis, PH.D.Sakhno Ivan G… The topic of my Master thesis is “A ground of parameters and construction of cartridge of not explosive destroying material is the creating directed destruction”. Education at the University and living in a hospice increased my purposefulness, will power, outlook, some various new qualities developed, the positive ones enhanced, I learned to gain an understanding of people. These years have made such a huge amount of impressions that it is impossible to express them in words, and have given me a lot of friends. This time it is quite another stereotype of people in my life who I hope to continue to keep in touch, and maybe a joint cooperation. Student years have given me new friends, communicating with highly qualified specialists in their field, and of course the unforgettable, the best years of my life!

           MY QUALITIES

Almost always I achieve my goal, I try to keep my word, I am an innovator. I appreciate tenacity, honesty, punctuality, politeness in people.

           FUTURE PLANS

After graduation I would like to find as much as possible paid and prospective work, but I will graduate in the midst of economic crisis, therefore, most likely I will prefer the work of the first specialty “Development of Mineral Deposits”.

DonNTU          Portal of master's degrees of DonNTU