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Agytin Aleksei

Aleksei Agytin 

Electrotechnical Faculty

Speciality "Electrical power plants"

Transient processes in networks with the motor engine at arc ground fault

Scientific adviser: Dergilev Mihail Pavlovich  


Abstract of the qualification master’s work


1 Current status of research arc surge in networks sn TPP and justification of methodologies for research
2 A mathematical model for the study of transients in the network's own needs TES
3 Results of the study of transients in the network of its own needs for power arc earth fault


As is well known in the regime of single-phase earth faults in distribution networks often have been cases of multi-group breakdowns of insulation from failure of electrical equipment.

Post-accident analysis and examination of the damaged electrical equipment shows that in many cases, the cause of failure is electrical insulation breakdown due to surges that occur during arc-fault ground. As mentioned above, damage is difficult to explain the traditional concepts of the mechanism of arc-surge, in this study was to identify modes, accompanied by threatening to isolate surges.

Mathematical analysis, computer calculations and experimental research on network models and real networks have shown that one reason for the simultaneous damage to several pieces of electrical equipment can be resonant overvoltages occurring in the discharge circuit shutting fazy. Bidest multiplicity and the probability of their occurrence increases dramatically with increasing the parameters network and power for power consumers. Localized at the connections of large inductances, they may occur simultaneously in several accessions, which can cause damage to the electrical panel.

Big surge also arise in the stator windings of electric motor for the closure of the housing. Studies carried out at different power motors showed that the arc fault in the casing in the stator winding voltage to appear bystrozatuhayuschie 5Uf frequencies up to several tens of kilohertz, which is considerably higher than the norms of the test voltage motors (2.74 Uf).

Since these overvoltages are local in nature, and the place of their occurrence is determined by the configuration and network parameters, the character arc and the point of closure phase to earth, the spread is now a means to limit and registration surge in this case are not effective.

Based on the analysis of the results of studies outlined ways to limit these surges, allowing also significantly reduce the voltage on the intact phases.

1 Current status of research arc surge in networks and justification of methodologies for research

As is known, phase-to-ground fault in a network with isolated neutral, steady state voltage on the undamaged (healthy) phases increases to a linear value. However, the steady state is preceded by the transition process, the multiplicity of the surge in which both healthy and on the damaged phase can reach a much greater magnitude. The process is complicated by the fact that in most cases, a ground fault occurs through the arc that occurs as a result of the overlap or insulation breakdown. In this case, arcing is not stable, and there are repeated combustion and ignition of its (intermittent arc), which lead to the development of transient oscillatory processes and increase the surge. Overvoltage depends on the conditions of arc extinction, and the nature of the process of electric strength arc gap after its extinction.

Since the ground fault passes through the arc capacitive current operating frequency:

and the current high-frequency oscillations. We can assume that arc quenching occurs when passing through zero current high-frequency oscillations (Petersen's theory) or by passage of a current operating frequency through zero (the theory of Peters and Slepian), and ignited at the maximum stress on the damaged phase.

According to theory Peterson, the maximum voltage on the healthy phases in the transition regime may be determined by the formula:

The maximum stress on the damaged phase in this case can be assessed by the expression:

According to this theory surge in intact phases can be increased up to 7.5Uf, and the damaged phase they reach 3.7 Uf.

According to Peters and Slepyanu arc quenching occurs through the half-period after ignition, when the free vibrations are damped and the instantaneous voltage on the undamaged phase reaches its maximum value and the displacement of the neutral:

maximum overvoltages on healthy phases will be

and the stress on the damaged phase depending on the moment of breakdown is determined from the expression

Thus, according to the theory of Peters and Slepian, as a result of exchange capacities of wires in the ignition and extinction of the arc voltage on the wiring reaches 3.5Uf, and the damaged wire 2 Uf. The above values surge in good agreement with the results of calculations for the healthy and damaged phases, taking into account the attenuation and line to line capacitance in real networks [1].

According to the theory of NN Belyakov for the occurrence of the maximum voltage is not required some reignition of the arc. Sufficient to consider only one cycle of the ignition-extinction-ignition.

Overvoltage during arc phase-to-ground fault has traditionally paid much attention to the leading specialists of world energy. Studies carried out both in real networks, and on mathematical models and physical models of electrical networks. For more than half a century of accumulated extensive theoretical and experimental material, implementation of which in practice has greatly increased reliability of electrical networks, this class of stress. However, so far in the literature, there are a lot of conflicting and sometimes contradictory data obtained by various researchers on this issue. Such contradictions are due to the complexity and multiplicity of factors influencing the nature and magnitude of transient voltage surge across the parameters and the mode of neutral earthing of electrical networks.

Currently, in permanent deterioration of electrical insulation systems of power supply auxiliary power station due to lack of funds to replace worn-out and high-quality restoration of electrical urgency of this problem has been increasing, as shown earlier, they are a major cause of damage to electrical equipment. As a reliable means of protection against arc no surge, the successful solution of the problem can only be found in the optimization of the neutral networks of their own needs in conjunction with various schematics.

2 A mathematical model for the study of transients in the network's own needs EPP

To conduct research using the physical model of an electric network with the motor load, the concept is shown in Figure 1. The scheme includes: an isolation transformer, voltage 0,4 / 0,4 kV power 100kVA, the model of supply cables, made in the form of RLC chains and real electric motors, ranging from 3 to 10 kW. The physical model is equipped with the playback device of arc fault in the network, made on the basis of the thyristor T9-200 and its control device.

Figure 1 — Schematic diagram of the physical model of the electrical network with the motor load.

In this circuit, replace the power supply is represented by phase emf, inductance L and resistance R. In the equivalent circuit network is taken into account capacitances (Ca, Cb, Cc) and resistance (Rua, Rub, Ruc) isolation of phases on the ground, inductance-capacitance (m, cm) line to line connections, the capacity of which has an active leakage resistance RT. In the neutral of the transformer can be connected to current limiting resistor RD or arcing reactor LD. High-voltage asynchronous motor is included in the equivalent circuit by phase subtransient leakage inductance L1 and the resistance R1. In one phase of the electric motor can change the location of a single-phase ground fault along the winding through the introduction of variable resistors R11, R12 and the inductance L11, L12. Circuit phase-to-ground fault in the winding engine simulates its capacitance Cz and active resistance of the arc Rz. Zinc oxide surge suppressors (ARF), established on the bus shinah or conclusions of engines, the nonlinearity of the dependence of their resistance to current or voltage [4].

3 Results of the study of transients in the network of its own needs for power arc earth fault

As a result of extensive research conducted with the use of mathematical models for different parameters and the mode of neutral grounding networks sn TPS revealed that the main factor that determines the nature and magnitude of transient overvoltages in OZNZ in a network with isolated neutral is the capacity of phase with respect to land and interphase capacitance, inductance, power supply and transformer, the nature of the load resistance in place of the closure phase on the ground and etc. To limit the multiplicities of surges in the network with the specified parameters have a decisive importance: the value of the instantaneous voltage on the affected phase at the time of the primary arc ignition, the moment of arc extinction and the voltage at the second and subsequent ignition of the arc.

Studies have shown for the different parameters of electrical networks sn TPP maximum surge at the advanced phase after the breakdown of insulation reaches (2.4-2.5) Uf, and subsequent breakdowns of the overvoltage on the healthy phases grows. Escalation (gradual increase) surge in the network by arcing in the second scenario, due to increasing voltage across the neutral in the process of repeated ignition and extinction of the arc fault current in the arc gap. Network sn Thermal power plants, with their characteristic parameters, the magnitude of overvoltage can reach (3.2-3.5) Uf. When a voltage unbalance in the network in phases over-voltage can rise significantly, as studies have established that the multiplicity of the arc overvoltage grows roughly proportional to the displacement of the neutral.

The most common currently a way to reduce accidental effects of single-phase circuit is arcing reactor (DGR), which preserves the benefits of networks with isolated neutral. Effectiveness of the GDR is largely determined by the degree of its setting on the value of the capacitive earth fault current. In this connection the reactor to a neutral network promotes: a significant reduction of heat loss in the arc gap by reducing the earth fault current to the level of the active component of the higher harmonics and unbalance currents and, as a consequence, the willful extinction of the arc, reducing the number of re-ignition of the arc due to a significant reduction speed (up to hundreds of periods of industrial frequency) recovery voltage arc gap after arc extinction, with the exception of repeated breakdowns in the arc gap at a voltage greater phase, which prevents the escalation of overvoltages in the network with resonant neutral grounding, and allows you to save the multiplicity of the arc voltage surge at the first insulation fault ie in the range (2.4-2.6) Uf. However, as shown by our extensive studies, to achieve the expected results only in a strictly symmetric networks with a coefficient of adjustment of the GDR in the range (0.98-1.02), which is well illustrated The calculated waveforms of voltage and current in the network of the GDR in setting it up as close to the resonant.

Figure 2 — Processes for the closure phases C on the ground in a network with the GDR in setting it up as close to the resonant (phase fault current to earth - 30 A)

Detuning compensation significantly reduces the effectiveness of the use of the GDR. For example, the detuning compensation, more than 5% leads to a sharp increase in the multiplicity of surge, and when you set up the GDR in overcompensation mode (recommended PTE) to 25% surge in the multiplicity of the network of the GDR can already achieve 3Uf and more [3]. In the event of a network of voltage unbalance on phases of unbounded multiplicity surge could rise sharply, as here, as well as in networks with isolated neutral overvoltage increases proportional to the displacement of neutral. Growth surge contributes to the fact that the inaccurate tuning of the GDR process of aligning the stress phase after arc extinction is the nature of the beats, the amplitude and frequency of which is determined by the degree of detuning compensation and a quality factor of the oscillatory circuit. When fine-tuning of the GDR or in a small overcompensation, the occurrence of beats in OZNZ possible if you disable connection with a large capacitive current recharge. The danger lies in the beat that for paper-carnival cable insulation, which samovostanavlivaetsya, re-closure of the damaged phase can occur at a voltage close to 2Uf that will lead to a maximum overvoltages on healthy phases.

* List of results is not over, because the master work is being developed, the final version available from the author in January 2012.


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