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Masters of DonNTU Starodub Mihail Starodub Mihail

"Electrotechnical faculty"

Chair "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive"

Speciality "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive"

Development of multi–level thermal management processes

Leader of work: Svetlichnyi Olexiy

Biography Abstract

Starodub Michail

Date of Birth: 04.01.1989

Native city: Gorlovka city

School: Gorlovka city secondary school № 73

University: Donetsk national technical university

  • "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive" bachelor (2006–2010)

    Average point at the University: 4.56

  • "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive" master (2010–2011)

  • "Economic legal relations of enterprises" specialist (2010–2012)

    Languages: Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, English at the secondary level, French with the dictionary.

    Experience on the PC:Operating Systems Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, software packages MatLab, MathCAD, AutoCAD, Kompas, Adobe Photoshop, WinCC, Scada, Visio, Microsoft Word, ets.

    Hobbies: Football, Marketing, Advertising.

    Experience: None.

    Future Plans: Get a diploma master, get a diploma manager, to work.

    Contact Information: e–, ICQ:34598703.
    Biography Abstract
