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Shelest Kristina

Shelest Kristina 

Faculty of Environment and Chemical Technology

Minerals and åkological geology department

Speciality “Environmental geology”

Geophysical and atmogeochemical features of soils in relation to the prediction of environmentally hazardous geodynamic phenomena (for example, the city of Donetsk and Yasinovataya)

Scientific adviser: doc., d. g. s., prof. of cheir M and EG Victor Alyohin



1 Name Shelest Kristina
2 Date of birth the 12th of April 1989
3 Birth-place Yasinovataya, Donetsk region
4 Schools 1996-2004 secondary school number 7 in Yasinovataya
2004-2006 secondary school number 6 in Yasinovataya
5 High schools 2006-2010 bachelor, DonNTU
2010-2012 master's degree, DonNTU
6 Average score 4,73
7 Knowledge of languages Speak free Russian and Ukrainian languages. Can read and correspond in English.
8 Hobbies Fond of table tennis, I love to read books and travel
9 Personal qualities Purposefulness, sociability, responsibility, flexibility,creativity
10 Computer skills Surfer 7.0, SPSS16.0, Turbo Pascal, Microsoft Office 2003-2007
11 Plans for the future To get a second degree in economics and find a job
12 Contact information
