Shkarban Aleksandra The analysis of resource-energysaving, improvement of production technologies of a lime

Shkarban Aleksandra

Shkarban Aleksandra

Faculty: Faculty of ecology and chemical technology

Speciality "Metallurgy ecology"

The analysis of resource savings, power savings, improvement of production technologies of a lime

Scientific adviser: Kochura Vladimir

About author



2. Objective and problems of a diploma thesis:

3. Novelty of work

4. The urgency of subject matter

5. The practical importance of results

6. The review of development and researches on subject matter

7. Existing results



Lime is consumed by various industries and consequently varied demands are made to its quality. Reception of a product with the set properties, adequating the requirements of various branches of a national economy, requires exploitation of appropriating technological modes and designs of furnaces. The above-listed types of oven units have the essential lacks connected with raised expense of fuel and changeable
quality of let out production.

2. Objective and problems of a diploma thesis:

To reflect a urgency of comparison the resource-energysaving parameters of alternative versions of manufacture
to lime, an indispensability of development of recommendations on progress of "know-how" the lime in Ukraine.

3. Novelty of work

Novelty of work consists that are offered for introduction in manufacture of the lime modern resource-energysaving technologies which allow to reach planned objectives and problems of this work.

4. The urgency of subject matter

Manufacture of fluxes is one of the most scale and acute problems of ferrous metallurgy in particularly by manufacture especially pure steel. At the same time there is a problem of rational using of minerals, major of which are metallurgical or flux limestones. Despite of prevalence of limestones in the nature, the supplies of flux limestones are limited.
During manufacture of lime are inevitably formed by-products and waste which, on the one hand, make large losses of mineral raw and, on the other hand, cause huge damage to an environment. In a diploma thesis it is planned to lead the analysis resourcesaving and energysaving manufactures of the lime, present possible versions and technological diagrams of preparation and recycling secondary material and power resources of limy manufacture.

5. The practical importance of results

Result of the given work — development of technological methods for introduction in conditions of manufacture of lime. Use of these methods will allow the enterprise to organize more effective manufacture of lime, having provided the minimal negative influence of manufacture on an environment, will allow to lower possible ecological payments for emissions, will lower a net cost of production due to decrease in power inputs and reduction of ecological payments.

6. The review of development and researches on subject matter

Are developed various versions and technological diagrams of preparation and recycling secondary material and power resources by manufacture of lime.

The diagram of manufacture of lime

Natural chalk with natural humidity of 25 % and a total content of carbonates of calcium and magnesium of 92-97 % is extracted by the open way and motor transport delivered to the basic manufacture.[2,1-2]

The basic manufacture consists of stages:
1. A site of reception natural chalk;
2. A site of storage;
3. Oven branch;
4. Hoisting-and-transport system of finished goods;
5. A silage constitution of finished goods;
6. Branch departing gases;
7. Auxiliary manufactures.


Technology of reception of lime from the bricketed cretaceous crumb

Objective of technology:
— Reception of qualitative of lime from the cretaceous crumb formed at extraction lumpy chalk.
— Recycling waste of a mining industry.
— Savings of primary raw material.
The diagram of technology is presented in picture.

Technology of reception  of lime from the bricketed cretaceous crumb
Fig.1 — The technology of manufacture of lime from a cretaceous crumb

This technology provides the maximal degree of recycling of secondary resources in manufacture of fluxes in comparison with known analogues. Provides stably high quality and low cost of a product.

7. Existing results

By results of the analysis of work, have been allocated the basic existing alternative versions of manufacture to exhaust from the advanced waste:
— the energysaving high-speed "know-how" high-quality powder of lime;
— energysaving technology the "know-how" of lime from thin-threshed limestone;
— the technology of reception of lime from the bricketed cretaceous crumb.
The offered technologies allow:
—involve in a turn a significant amount of waste;
—liberate the huge areas borrowed under warehousing of these waste;
—improve an ecological condition of adjacent territories;
—raise efficiency of metallurgical manufacture;
—receive significant economic benefit.
The conclusion In work process of manufacture of lime is considered, the analysis resource-energysaving is lead by manufacture, value of secondary resources is specified, technological diagrams of preparation and recycling SMR and SER are offered.
The technical and economic assessment and ecological assessment of efficiency of the organization resource-energysaving of manufacture of lime is given.[13]


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