Faculty ecology and chemical technologies

Department of applied ecology and environmental protection

Speciality " Ecology of chemical technologies "

Interaction flue gases containing sulfur dioxide with
activated calcium carbonate

Scientific adviser: prof. Valeriy Shapovalov


My average studies' score is: 5,03.

I have an honored BS in Environmental Chemical Industry

I master Ukrainian and Russian languages. My English competence is sufficient for reading and correspondence, my France is at the primary level.

I have PC experience with such programs as: Компас 3D, MathCAD, Maple, MatLAB, Scilab, EOL+, Statgraphics, Statistica, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint.

Hobbies: literature and psychology, music, cinema, photography, travel, sport and dance.

Personal and professional qualities: responsibility, honesty, diligence, commitment, skill to communicate, I can work in a team,I am quickly taught, no bad habits.

Contacts: E-mail margarita.yakovleva89@gmail.com