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Katenkar Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav Katenkar

Faculty «The engineering mechanics and mechanical-building»
Department «Power mechanical systems»
Speciality: «Power mechanical complexes»

Justification of the main parameters of control systems of mine hoist installations

Scientific adviser: Aleksandr Jacenko 



  1. I, Vyacheslav Katenkar was born June 26, 1989 in the city of Donetsk.

  2. From first to fifth class in the period from 1996 to 2000 studied at the school ¹ 135, from the sixth to eleventh grade in the period from 2000 to 2006 studied at the school ¹ 136.

  3. In the bachelor studied in the period from 2006 to 2010 in the Donetsk national technical university, master's degree studying from 2010 to present, as in DonNTU. From 2010 to currently enrolled at Donetsk national technical university institute for postgraduate education in the direction of a specialist.

  4. Average score for the period of study in the bachelor 4.67.

  5. Russian and Ukrainian languages speak to perfection, the English language at the secondary level.

  6. In game play different and very rarely treat any kind of music is positive, at the moment fond bodybuilding.

  7. Possess such personal qualities as energy, the focus on achieving the end result, stability, discipline, sociability, responsibility, punctuality, honesty. Present organizational skills.

  8. Computer skills:

  9. I have a driving license category «B»

  10. Twice practice at mine «Shcheglovskaya-glubokaya» PAO «Shahtoupravlenie «Donbass» from 01.07.2009 to 28. 07.2009 year and 20.12.2010, on 06.02.2011, at the post-call electrician to repair the equipment.

  11. Contact:, ICQ #: 443-967-222.