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Syhorychko Kate

Syhorychko Kate

Faculty: of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering

Metal-cutting machine-tools and systems

Speciality "Metal-cutting machine-tools and systems"

Study of the formation of the microrelief of the surface layer of ceramics by magnetic abrasive machining

Scientific adviser: prof. Gysev V.V.



Name Syhorychko Kate
Date of birth 9.01.89.
Place of birth Slavyansk
School School number ¹12 (1996-2006)
University In 2010 graduated in DonNTU, the specialty "metal-cutting machines and systems" in "bachelor". Currently enrolled in the Donetsk National Technical University, specialty "metal-cutting machines and systems" in "Master".
Average Rating 4.84
Languages skills I know Russian and Ukrainian languages in perfection, as well as English at a basic level
Hobbies Photo, dance.
Personal qualities Purposeful, responsibility.
Computer skills I have experience with operating systems Windows. Of MS Office and Open Office, solid modeling systems Compass 3-D, T-Flex CAD, AutoCAD, Gemma3D, APM WinMachine, Mathcad,and also Photoshop, CorelDraw, ACD Systems.I own programming languages Pascal, Delfi.
Future Plans Find exciting work in the specialty
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