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Baev Ruslan

Ruslan Baev

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Department: Electronic Techniques
Speciality: Scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems
Theme of master's work: Development and research to the device of measuring and control of microclimate parameters in the production of integrated microcircuits
Scientific adviser: Anatoly Zori

Materials on the theme of master's work: Rezume | Abstract

on the theme of master's work


Actuality. One of basic achievements of microelectronics is creation of integral microcircuits. But, modern technologies in such industry, as a production of integral microcircuits, are not effective without maintenance of the whole year round certain combinations of such parameters of microclimate as a temperature and humidity of air, his mobility, and also cleanness. To each of these parameters to pursue their claims [1].

Fluctuations in temperature causes changes in the size of ultrathin films and a humid environment is undesirable during virtually all manufacturing operations. Absorbing on many surfaces, moisture and substances dissolved in it lead to the formation of unwanted oxides. During heat treatment on these surfaces can form bumps (erosion), leading to a deterioration of the parameters of IC.

Therefore measuring and control of parameters of microclimate at the production of integral microcircuits now actual as never, and this actuality in the future, presumably, it will be only raise, as there will be the considerable diminishing of sizes of elements of IMC and components, that in same queue will result in toughening of requirements to the parameters of microclimate.

Problem definition and purpose of the work. The purpose work is to develop and explore the measurement and control of microclimate parameters in the production of integrated circuits. To achieve the goal defined by the following objectives:

- rationale for the selection of sensors;

- Setting requirements for appliances;

- The rationale and structure of the device;

- investigation of metrological characteristics.

The scientific novelty. Completed information retrieval devices of similar purpose, and found that they have several drawbacks and does not meet modern requirements. [2,3] The main drawbacks of devices for the object of production of integrated circuits are: inability to control temperature and humidity at the same time, is not precise enough measurements of temperature and humidity. Development of such a device allows you to control temperature and humidity simultaneously, with the desired accuracy. The proposed method is based on the contact method of measuring temperature and humidity. To achieve the required accuracy is planned to develop a new structural scheme and the use of high-precision sensors.

Expected practical results. The result of writing the master's work is to study the metrological characteristics of measuring channels of temperature and humidity, as well as the mathematical description of the process of measuring temperature and humidity.

Basic part. In the production of integrated circuits using photo printing in a clean room, fluctuations in temperature and humidity cause changes in the size of ultrathin films that are applied to the integrated circuit, which is unacceptable, so according to standards, the instrument must meet the following requirements: The range of measured and controlled temperatures from 0 º C to 45 º C; error in measuring channel temperature in the range of 20 º C to 24 º C should be not more than 0,1 º C range are measured and controlled humidity from 0% to 100% accuracy of the measuring channel humidity should not exceed 2% in the range 20 - 60%. [4]

Methods of temperature measurement are divided into contact and contactless. Contact methods are based on the introduction of the measured environment of the probe containing the corresponding thermometric element. In this case, the temperature of the environment take the temperature of the probe. Non-contact methods based on measurement of the thermometric properties of the medium itself.

Wide application was found by the contact measuring devices of temperature[5,7]:

- thermometers, glass liquid;

- manometric thermometers;

- bimetal thermometers;

- copper and platinum resistance thermometers;

- semiconductor resistance thermometers;

- thermocouples;

- both digital and analog temperature sensors;

- temperature sensor based on quartz plates;

- capacitive thermometers.

Currently, the following have been used noncontact temperature meters [6,7]:

- optical pyrometers;

- photoelectric pyrometers;

- color pyrometers;

- radiation pyrometers;

- spectral-ratio pyrometers;

- pyrometers full relations;

- thermal imaging cameras.

Use of non-contact measurement method for a given object is impractical because the range of measured temperatures pyrometer does not match the range of temperature-controlled facility.

There is currently no universal method for measuring gas humidity. Known and have been used numerous (several dozen) methods based on different principles.

From the analysis of methods to measure temperature and humidity found that this object is expedient to use the following types of sensors: platinum resistance thermometers (TCП 1000П), capacitive humidity sensors based on polymer dielectric (Honeywell - HIH-3602-C). [6,7, 8,9]

 To create the right climate in a clean room for manufacturing integrated circuits to automatically maintain the temperature and relative humidity. Therefore, to achieve this goal it is necessary to supply additional specific requirements for the device:

- the presence of the keyboard, display device, power the unit from the network;

- on / off supply fan of the instrument menu and the external buttons, and the pump device from the menu;

- technological and alarm.

- control of actuators: valve on the coolant, the cooling agent, the humidifier, outside air damper.

- automatic or manual switching "Winter-Summer. "

Functional diagram of the developed device is shown in Figure 1

Functional diagram of the device (7 frames, the delay between frames - 2s)

Figure 1 - Functional diagram of the device (7 frames, the delay between frames - 2s)

Important note.

 When writing this master of the abstract work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.


1. Технологические требования к параметрам микроклимата. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 17.03.2011.

2. Микропроцессорные средства и программные продукты в области автоматизации и управления. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 19.03.2011.

3. Контрольно-измерительные приборы. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 19.03.2011.

4. Гибридно-пленочные интегральные микросхемы. Чистые помещения. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 17.03.2011.

5. Измерение температуры при модернизации систем охлаждения ПК. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 20.03.2011.

6. Геращенко О.А. Тепловые и температурные измерения. Справочное руководство./О.А. Геращенко – Киев: Наукова думка, 1965.- 304 с.

7. Преображенский В.П. Теплотехнические измерения и приборы. Учебное пособие./В.П. Преображенский – М.: Энергия, 1978. – 704 с.

8. Берлинер М.А.Измерение влажности. Изд. 2-е./М.А. Берлинер – М.:Энергия, 1973.- 400 с.

9. Датчики влажности компании Honeywell. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 20.03.2011.

10. Devices for measurement and control of temperature, humidity, pressure, strain, force, flow, level, pH and conductivity. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 20.04.2011.

DonNTU | Master's portal of DonNTU || Rezume | Abstract