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Gorlova Anastasiya

Anastasiya Gorlova

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master's work:

Research and development of dynamic processes of starting of electric driveof one end transporting automatic control unit his acceleration

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Technical Science Konstantin Marenich 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Gorlova Anastasiya

Date of birth: 17.02.90

Birth-place: Donetsk

School № 83

University: Donetsk National Technical University

Average mark in the period of study at the university: 4.82

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian ; English – basic level

Personal internals: communicability, kindness, politeness, responsibility, punctuality, purposefulness.

Fascination: east dances.

Computer: Microsoft Office 98/2000/2003/2007 (Word, Excel, Visio, Power Point, Access, MathCAD, Matlab, Компас, Micro-

Cap, PCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, AVR Studio, Internet.

Plans on the future: to find deserving work with the prospect of further professional height.

Pin information: e-mail:
