Student of Donetsk National Technical Univercity Kuleshova Alisa
Alisa Kuleshova

Faculty: Computer Informational Technology and Automatics
Speciality: Scientific, analytical, environmental devices and systems
Theme of master's work:
Justification and development structure of the acoustic analyzer of main ventillators of shaft
Scientific adviser: Viktor Senko

Materials on the theme of master's work:


Alisa Kuleshova

Date of Birth: March 29th, 1989
Contact phone: 050-834-52-50
ICQ: 337-075-908


2010 - 2011 - Master, Donetsk National Technical University. Master’s work: "Justification and development structure of the acoustic analyzer of main ventillators of shaft."
2006 - 2010 – Bachelor, Donetsk National Technical University. Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation. Specialty - scientific, analytical, environmental devices and systems. Average score during training in the Bachelor - 4,98.
2003-2006. - Donetsk College. Secondary education completed with a gold medal.
1998 - 2003 - School ¹ 18.
1994-1998 - School ¹ 118.
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian – fluent; English - at a level sufficient for reading and writing.
Programming languages: Pascal, C - confident user.
Web: HTML,CSS - confident user.
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux, Mac X - confident user
Working with graphics: Adobe Photoshop - professional user.
Mathematical packages: Mathcad Professional, Electronics Workbench - professional user, Labview, Altium Designer, Compas, Autocad, Matlab, Stratum - confident user.
Funds Office: MS Office 2003/2007, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint - confident user.
- Targeting
- Honesty
- Training
- Analytical mind
- Ability to communicate follow through
- Accommodating.