Master's portal

Petrenko Ekaterina

Petrenko Ekaterina

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Department: Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation behalf Ruvim Leybov (MEA)

Speciality: «Automatic Control of Technological Process»

Theme of master's work: «Synthesis and research of the system of automation of process of firing up of the boiler installation of low temperature boiling layer»

Scientific adviser: Neezhmakov Serhij

About myself



I was born on February, 10th, 1989 in Shakhtersk city. My dad, Petrenko Pavel holds a position of deputy of director general on economic questions of GP ĞDonuglerestruktorizatsiyağ. My mother, Petrenko Irene is a house-owner. I have a senior sister which finished Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) on speciality the Energymechanical equipment of power-hungry productions with the receve of the second speciality Management of organization in 2006.
          My childhood was amused and interesting. I grew a curious and mobile child. In age two years I began to visit preschool, where many friends appeared for me. From plenty of holidays went down in memory me, where we sang, danced, verses told. My fascination were dances, and from five years I began to visit a dancing group.


I went to the first class in 1996. I liked study and I passed from a class in a class with praiseworthy folias. One of favourite objects for me there were mathematics, biology, history, geography, Ukrainian and Russian languages. I often participated in science competition, where not singly occupied 1th places. It was merrily at school, in fact I was surrounded by true friends and good teachers.
          But not only studies occupied time at school, I toot active part in a school independent action - played in KVN.


In 2006 I entered in Donetsk National Technical University on speciality Automated Control of Technological Processes. Four years flew unnoticed. And in 2010 I got the diploma of bachelor. On results state examinations I continued studding on a masters cours. Neezhmakov Sergey became my scientific leader. He helped me to choose the theme of my qualification work. It is: Synthesis and research of the system of automation of process of firing up of the boiler installation of low temperature boiling layer.