Master's portal

Petrenko Ekaterina

Petrenko Ekaterina

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Department: Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation behalf Ruvim Leybov (MEA)

Speciality: «Automatic Control of Technological Process»

Theme of master's work: «Synthesis and research of the system of automation of process of firing up of the boiler installation of low temperature boiling layer»

Scientific adviser: Neezhmakov Serhij


Date of Birth: 10th February 1989.

Birth-place: Shakhtersk city the Donetsk area.


gymnasium ¹11 Donetsk - 2001-2006;

schools ¹ 24 city Khartsizsk the Donetsk area - 1998-2001;

schools ¹4 cities Kirovskoe the Donetsk area - 1996 - 1998.

Institute of higher:

- from 2010 I study in the masters cours of Donetsk national technical university on speciality Automated management technological processes;

- 2006 - 2010 studied in bachelor of Donetsk national technical university on speciality Automated management technological processes.

Average in the period of study in the Bachelor: 4,69.

Domain languages: Russian, Ukrainian - freely, English - basic level.

Fascinations: trips, dances, photographing.

Personal qualities: communicability, courtesy, goodwill, curiosity, aspiring to cognitions.

Domain a computer:

- Operating system of Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista - user;

- Mathematical packages: Mathcad, Matlab- user;

- Programming languages: Assembler, Pascal- user;

- Facilities of Office: MS Office 98/2000/2003/2007, MS Visio, MS Power Point- user.

Plans on the future:

The most important problem for me it will writing and excellent protection master qualifying works, after this it will successful to found a job.

Contact information: e-mail: