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DonNTU Master Pleskachev Vyacheslav

Pleskachev Vyacheslav

Department of Computer Information Technology and Automation

Department of electronic technics

Speciality: Electronic systems  

Theme of master's work: "Development and research of the model sample the electronic system of concentration control of methane in collieries"
Supervisor: Vovna Alexandr


Theme  urgency

With growth of depth of development of coal increases foulness  framings, the temperature of layers and humidity of breeds, increases frequency and intensity gasdynamic displays that is interfaced to danger increase at guiding of mountain operations. In these conditions special value is acquired by questions of support of the carbon enterprises high-speed and well-tried remedies of automatic control of concentration of methane in miner atmosphere. Existing gages do not provide obtaining of the information on processes of change of concentration of methane with small enough static and dynamic errors. Thus, it is necessary to develop a model sample of electronic system for the further learning and development of ways of increase of high-speed performance at required accuracy of control of concentration of methane with compensating of influence of the main destabilizing factors of miner atmosphere of collieries, as defines a  urgency of the theme master's work.

Purpose  of  the work

On the basis of application optical absorption method of concentration control  of methane and a mathematical model to develop and research the model sample of the electronic monitoring system of concentration of methane who allows to estimate expediency of development of the given system.

Tasks of the work

– The analysis of existing methods and monitoring aids of concentration of methane in miner atmosphere, from the point of view of increase of high-speed performance of a measuring instrument at required accuracy of control;

– Development of a mathematical model of a measuring instrument, on a basis optical absorption method of concentration control of methane in collieries taking into account influence of destabilizing factors of miner atmosphere;

– Development of a method of compensating of influence of a carbon dust and destabilizing factors of miner atmosphere on result of measurement of concentration of methane;

– Development of the model sample of system of measurement of concentration of methane for the purpose of carrying out of full-scale tests for determination of metrological characteristics and an efficiency estimation;

– Development of programs and techniques of tests for the model sample, and also the recommendation for use.

Prospective scientific novelty

1. To have the further development optical absorption method of concentration control of methane in collieries, on the basis of use of the open optical measuring channel with compensating of influence of a carbon dust that allows to raise high-speed performance of a measuring instrument of concentration of methane at required accuracy of control.

2. Development of a mathematical model of system of measurement on a basis optical absorption method of concentration control  which considers influence of destabilizing factors of miner atmosphere (temperature and pressure change, concentration of a carbon dust and accompanying gases) on parameters of an optoelectronic measuring instrument.

3. Development of the model sample of electronic system control of concentration of methane for an estimation of metrological characteristics of measuring system for real service conditions.

The main material of the work

In the first section the analysis of methods and monitoring aids of concentration of methane in miner atmosphere [1] is made. Being based on results of the fulfilled analysis and requirements to stationary measuring instruments of concentration of methane in collieries, in operation it is offered to use optical absorption method of concentration control of methane with the quasiopen optical measuring channel that provides necessary compensating from influence of destabilizing factors of miner atmosphere.

The analysis of influence of destabilizing factors of miner atmosphere (change of temperature, pressure, presence of accompanying gases and water steams, concentration of a carbon dust) on metrological characteristics of the model sample is made.

It is installed that by operation of a measuring instrument of concentration of methane in the conditions of a dust content of miner atmosphere of collieries, the error of measurement of concentration of methane increases that in turn does not provide with necessary high-speed performance measurement system agrees state  standart requirements. As the decision of the given problem, in operation it is offered to use «a method of compensating of a dynamic error of an infrared measuring instrument of concentration of methane for collieries» [2].

In the second section the mathematical model of measuring system on a basis optical absorption method of control concentration of methane which considers influence of destabilizing factors of miner atmosphere (temperature and pressure change, concentration of a carbon dust and accompanying gases) on parameters of an optoelectronic measuring instrument that allows to estimate metrological characteristics of measuring system for real service conditions is developed.

Absorption of optical radiation is described by the law of Bugera-lambert-bera which I intensity of absorption connects to length of a way l and concentration of a researched gas component of Sob of % expression (1), [3].


For a choice of parameters of the open optical channel in operation the transmission ratio of the optical channel the K oc  equal to the relation of intensity of past Ioutput ОC  to falling Iinput  ОC of optical flows is defined:

Where K (lT, P) – coefficient of section of a spectrum of absorption of optical radiation by the methane, depending on temperature T, °K, pressure P, kPа miner atmosphere and concentration of accompanying gases (a row of heavy hydrocarbons). 

Apparently from expression (2) transmission ratio of the optical channel is non-linear function which contains following variables: (Т, Р,) characterize a state of miner atmosphere l, a micron – length of a wave of spectral lines of absorption of methane, l, m – length of measuring basis of the optical channel (design data).

In the optoelectronic unit it is necessary to provide the maximum transmission ratio the Koc of the open optical channel. For determination the Koc following researches are fulfilled:

– An estimation of characteristics of a spectrum of absorption of methane and a choice of length of a wave and width of spectra of radiators and receivers;

– Design data choice l – lengths of measuring basis;

– An estimation influence of factors of miner atmosphere – change of temperature and pressure upon results of measurement of volume concentration of methane in a range from 0 to 4об the %, defined by requirements of state standart for collieries.

In the third section the block diagram of a measuring instrument of concentration of methane is developed for conditions of collieries (fig. 1). Operation of an optical measuring instrument is fulfilled under control of the unit 11 and consists in the following. Flows of radiation from sources of radiation 1 and 2 simultaneously arrive in measuring optical ditches with quasiopen filters 3 and 4 which passes through two measuring basins to 3 - 5 % of a dust from the general concentration of a dust in miner atmosphere of a colliery. And simultaneously turnes on two sources of radiation 1 and 2 which are installed on one side of measuring basins, and on two detectors of optical measurement 5 and 6 which are allocated on one axis with sources 1 and 2 on other side of measuring basins, optical signals arrive.

Picture 1 – the block diagram of a measuring instrument of concentration of methane for conditions of collieries

(animation: size - 110 КБ; image size - 653x210; shots quantity - 5; delay between shots - 100 ms; de number of repetition cycles - 5)

Analog signals from detectors with amplifiers 5 and 6 arrive on function generators 7 and 8. These units provide equality of output signals of measuring optical basins at the concentration of methane equal to zero, and also scaling of an output signal which consists in the following is carried out: the maximum output signal corresponds to the maximum value of a range of measurement of concentration of methane (4,0), and a zero minimum to concentration (0,0)  

Analog electrical signals from two function generators 7 and 8 sequentially are switched with analog-digital converter 10 by means of the switchboard of analog signals 9. The choice of the measuring channel, an interval and duration of inquiry is defined by a control unit 11.  Analog-digital converter 10 under control of the unit 11 transforms with sharing in time electrical signals to the numeral code, for implementation of compensating of a dynamic error of the device by means of a program method of numeral handling of results of measurement. Analog-digital converter 10 interfaced to the computing unit 12 in which storage of the discrete values of output pressure either their relation, or a difference of output pressure [4] in one time interval is carried out. Further in the following time interval through a sampling interval analog-digital converter 10 procedure of measurement repeats and then calculation of concentration of analysable gas for the developed algorithm which repeats calculation in all interval of an operating time of the measuring device is carried out.

Under control of the unit 11 data about concentration of methane in miner atmosphere of a colliery are deduced on the unit of indication and registration 13 and by means of inter-chip digital link 14 means are transferred in system of aerogas protection of collieries.


Existing methods and tools for measuring the concentration of methane does not provide the necessary speed of the device measuring the concentration of methane in the atmosphere of coal mines. Using optical-absorption method, as well as modern optics and microelectronics will create a high-speed instrument for measuring methane concentration with improved metrological and operational characteristics.

At the time of writing the abstract the master's work is in progress. Completion and defense planned in November 2011.

The literature list:

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  2. О.В. Вовна. Спосоіб компенсації динамічної похибки інфрачервоного вимірювача концентрації метану для вугільніх шахт/ О.В. Вовна, А.А. Зорі, М.Г. Хламов// Вестник национального технического университета "ХПИ". Серия: "Электроэнергетика и приобразовательная техника" - Харьков, 2010. - Выпуск 12.-В.65 -70.
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  4. В. А. Порєв, О. А. Дашковський, Я. Л. Миндюк, В. П. Приміський. Аналітичні екологічні прилади та системи. — Монографія. / Під заг. ред. В. А. Порєва. — Вінниця: УНІВЕРСУМ-Вінниця, 2009. — 336 с.
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  6. ГОСТ 24032-80 « Приборы шахтные газоаналитические». // М., 1992. – 36 с
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  9. Карпов Е.Ф., Биренберг И.Э. Автоматическая газовая защита и контроль рудничной атмосферы. – М.: Наука, 1984.–285с.
  10. Трембецкая О. А. Магистерская. «Обоснование структуры быстродействующего прибора для измерения концентрации метана в условиях угольных шахт»

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