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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Julia Ryadskaya
Ryadskaya Julia

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation (CITA)

Department: Automation and Telecommunications (AT)

Speciality: Telecommunication Systems and Networks (TSN)

Theme of master's work: «Äîñë³äæåííÿ òà âäîñêîíàëåííÿ ìåòîä³â çàáåçïå÷åííÿ ïîêàçíèó³â ÿêîñò³ VoIP ðîçïîä³ëåíèõ ìåðåæ»

Scientific adviser:Bessarab Vladimir Ivanovich

Brief Resume Abstract

Childhood School University Plans for the Future



I was born in 1989, October 6th , in a small town of Krasnogorovka in the family of mechanical engineer and a kindergarten teacher. My father Ryadsky Vasily works at the refractory plant “KrOZ” and my mother Ryadskaya Tamara works in “Cheburashka” kindergarten. By the time I was born my parents had already had my 4 year old brother. Since then he has become my close friend. I followed him everywhere but he didn’t like that. It was not imposing of a boy of his age to go out with a little sister, but he still loved me and so never sent away.

Communication with boys had its impact on a fragile little girl’s disposition, thus, since that time on I started to prove myself as a girl of settled even manly character. Although my mother was a kindergarten teacher, I still, for some reason, was attending another childcare centre. Probably, it did only good to me. I appeared to be a difficult child for all those around me, including my kindergarten teachers. Luckily, they got on the right side of me and gave the knowledge necessary for attending school.

School Days

In 1996 my parents decided that it was the time for me to go to school. By the beginning of the academic year the groups had already been full and they didn’t want me accepted. That was the first time I had to take a chance and demonstrate gained knowledge. The challenge was to solve an equation in front of the entire class and I managed to do so perfectly well. In that very moment I realized that I enjoy dealing with figures. I was one of the best students in class.

When the first year of school was finished I received the Certificate of Appreciation, and so I deserved an honor from my parents as well. I was begging them to give me a kitten. This is how my cat Liza, which still lives with us, appeared at our house.

Every year of school was bringing me more and more new knowledge and understanding of my own inclinations. I realized that I liked the exact sciences; however, it didn’t make any difficulty for me to show good results at the humanities. I finished secondary school with the Certificate of Appreciation.

Now, I think it’s time, to tell about my school friends. I am happy to have such friends as they are. Even today, when five years have passed after finishing school, we keep communicating and get together a lot. People say, that we are the most united class for the past several years. We had a wonderful time with each other at school and never forgot about studies. We helped each other and, of cause, missed classes sometimes. Everything we did –we did together.

During the nine’s year one of the groups was dissolved and we had six new students coming to our classes. Frankly speaking, we did not manage to become real friends with them. Nine years of my school life had passed and then was the time to think about the future. As I have already mentioned, I enjoyed mathematics, thus I wanted to enter a University providing me with the opportunity to specialize in this area. I was choosing between DonNU and DonNTU. To enter these prestigious institutions I had to take up a course of mathematics in DonNTU when I was in eleventh year (since school knowledge wasn’t enough to do so). Finally with the strong preparation I entered both and gave my priority to the one that has been my favorite for the past five years. I don’t know why. I did not have any friends or relatives studying there, but I fell in love with my University, perhaps, for its modesty. Many of my fellows did not believe in my success, saying, that was almost impossible to pass the entrance exams there, but I managed to do so. The choice of the faculty was not a complicated issue. Computer Technologies Faculty was the perfect combination of mathematics and modern technologies. The choice of the specialist area was even easier - I went at random.


This is how I have become the first year student of the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics of Donetsk National Technical University specializing at telecommunication systems and networks.

In 2010 I got my Bachelor degree. Then my goal was to get the Master. In accordance with the results of the record examination I continued my graduate studies. At this stage my attitude towards studies became rather serious; the subjects that are really vital for my professional development are of the first consideration to me today. Apart from studying hard, I never forget to have rest and do various fun activities with my fellow students.

I live in a hostel, because I find it rather difficult to commute every day from the suburb. Besides, it is hardly possible to imagine students’ life without living in a hostel. Happily for me, I made friends with several girls from the very beginning. They are still my friends. Studies! Here we come… Due to my fairly good knowledge, gained at school, studies at university go rather easily.

During the first two years subjects of my specialist area were mostly general. The picture of it became clearer by the third year, when they started to give us more concrete specialty knowledge. Among the most important disciplines for me are the following: “Integral systems and networks”, “Communication Systems” (read by Associate Professor V. Boyko), “Teletraffic Theory” (read by Associate Professor V. Voropayeva), “Design of Telecommunication Systems” (read by Associate Professor V. Degtyarenko)

In my forth year I had to choose my thesis topic and a scientific adviser.

Plans for the future

In the near future I plan to finish my Master thesis and to get my Master Diploma. Then, of course, I want to find an interesting job. The one, which will enable me to fulfill myself as a personality and a professional in my area.

I love dreaming and making career plans, imagining my life to be exciting and full of emotions. I want to build a family where everyone will feel happy. Combining family life and career is no easy task at all, because nothing works unless you do. To harmoniously combine both one must work hard and I am absolutely ready for that.


Brief Resume Abstract

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