Faculty - Computer Science and Technology

Chair - Computer Engineering

Specialty - System Programming

Subject magisters work - Development of the subsystem databases distributed parallel simulation environment

Supervisor - Svyatny Vladimir Andreyevich

The main

Date of birth - June 10, 1989

Region - Ukraine, Donetsk region, city Makeevka


Lyceum № 1 (Makeevka), 2006

DonNTU (BA), 2010

DonNTU (MA), 2011


Russian - native

Ukrainian - native

English - at the level of reading and preparation of technical documentation

Professional skills

PHP, Ruby, Javascript, SQL, C / C #, Pascal, Accembler - Programming Languages

MySQl, MsSQL, SQLite - database

Ruby on Rails, Zend Framework, jQurey, Prototype - freymverki

HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS - languages ??and markup tools

AJAX, Curl, Json - Technology

Object-oriented programming, MVC model - Programming Techniques


E-Mail - alexshilo.89 @ gmail.com

ICQ - 356802199

Skype - kreolwolf1

Personal Qualities

Responsibility, punctuality, respect for deadline

The desire to learn and apply new technology, which subsequently accelerates


Teacher / Pascal (September 2008 - May 2010), Preparatory department DonNTU

System Programmer (December 2010 - June 2011), Edition of the newspaper "Donetsk News"

Web - Software (June 2011 - September 2011), An innovative group of creative "Attract"

Ruby / Javascript programmer (September 2011), Nasc Technologies (Nasctech)

Additional data

Speaker of the Parliament of the Lyceum (Sept. 2003 - May 2005)

2nd place in city competition of school projects (March 2005) the project "Organization of self-government in schools 2.3 stage"

Thanks to the President and the nominal clock "the Party of Regions" (March 2009) for his active assistance in the election campaign