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Bondarenko Maxim

Maxim Bondarenko 

Faculty: Physical Metallurgy

Department of electrometallurgy steel and ferroalloys

Speciality: Ferrous metals

Theme of master's work:

Research of the influence of thermodynamic factors on deoxidation steel and the formation of nonmetallic inclusions

Scientific adviser: Sergey Hrapko 

Materials on the theme of master's work: About Author | Abstract | Library | Links


Grade point average in the period of study at the University of 4.95. Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian. At a level sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English. I have experience in the following software package: MATHCAD, DELPHI, PHOTOSHOP, ORACUL, HIGH-LOGIC FONT CREATOR, CARBIDE THEME EDITION. I'm fond of various sports: horizontal bar, Workout, boxing, snooker and chess.