Магистр ДонНТУ Лещенко Станислав Юрьевич

Leshchenko Stanislav

Physical and Metallurgical Faculty
Department of industrial heat-and-power engineering
Speciality: Energy management

Theme of master's work: Utilization of heat discharged at steel complex to improve the energy efficiency of production

Supervisor: docent, c.t.s. Gridin S.V.

Curriculum vitae

Average grade point in a period of studies at the University is 4.94

Skills: conducting energy audits, developing energy-saving measures, management of energy flows in the enterprise, a business plan, conducting the SWOT-analysis.

Programming Languages: Object Pascal, Turbo Pascal, HTML

Specialized programs, knowledge: Microsoft Exel 2010 (работа с функциями), КОМПАС-3D V11, Delphi 7.

Languages: English (Intermediate), French, Polish (basic).

Professional qualities: tenacity, career ambition, flexibility in conflict situations.

Personal qualities: perseverance, striving all the order ("sort through").

Hobbies: sports (team sports, bodybuilding, chess), music (classical, new edge, rock 'n' roll), cinema (arthouse), fiction, history, astronomy.


E-mail: 0990086329@ukr.net

Skype: kryhitkakarpa

Phone number: 0990086329

DonNTU > Master's portal