Nekrasova Inna Sergeevna
Master DonNTU
Faculty:Physical and Metallurgical
Department:Technical thermophysics
Speciality:Industrial of the heating engineer

Theme of master's work:
"Reconstruction of a thermal protection and heating furnaces"

Scientific adviser:Biryukov Alexey
Important Note

When writing this abstract the master work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.

The purpose

To carry out the analysis of reconstruction of a thermal protection and футеровки heating furnaces, and also to improve offered technology.

Urgency of the given theme:

One of the most actual and acute problems of the modern developed world community accruing deficiency of traditional power resources is. Before the developed countries there is the most complicated problem on introduction of new power saving up technologies of use organic (oil, gas, coal) power resources with the minimum influence on environment at reasonable and sufficient satisfaction of industrial and household requirements.

It is known that to 80 – 85 % of energy carriers in industrially developed countries are spent in the industry and power at operation of industrial furnaces, the thermal and power equipment. Therefore now a problem of economy of power resources, especially, in power-intensive industries: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, at the enterprises making building materials and ceramics, in power costs extraordinary sharply and actually.

For the Ukrainian industry in which the backward technologies using traditional power resources till now are sometimes applied, at all the accruing prices for them, first of all on gas, search and introduction of new technologies Power savings is a determinative in stabilization of development of economy and a condition of its sustainable development.

One of complex directions of the decision of a problem of the power savings allowing essentially to lower fuel consumption at operation of park of furnaces and the thermal equipment, decrease in thermal losses of working chambers of units is. The question of reduction of fuel consumption dares at the expense of reduction теплопотерь the working chamber of the furnace. One of variants of the decision of this problem is uses modern керамоволокнистых materials for isolation of chambers of furnaces. Fibrous materials are materials of new generation which combine high-temperature, fire-resistant and изоляционные properties, low heat conductivity and малоинерционность that allows to apply widely them instead of traditional materials for футеровки almost all park of the thermal equipment. Traditional materials have rather high factor of heat conductivity of 0,8-1,5 Vt / (м?К) and rather high density of 2000-2900 kg/m3. All it defines considerable weight футеровки and, hence, necessity of an expenditure большего quantities of heat on warming up футеровки. Keramovoloknistye materials have fire resistance from above 1400?С, factor of heat conductivity of 0,1-0,2 Vt / (м?К) density of 100-200 kg/m3. Therefore application керамоволокнистых materials because of essential decrease in their weight allows more, than in 100 times to lower the expense of heat on accumulation футеровкой that practically excludes its inertness. In some cases application керамоволокна allows to save an order of 40 % of fuel.

In the given work the technique for the analysis of efficiency of reconstruction футеровки heating and thermal furnaces with use керамоволокнистых materials is offered. The variant of reconstruction which is based on drawing of a layer керамоволокнистых of materials on base футеровку of the unit is considered.

The essence of a technique consists in comparison of thermal losses through футеровку the unit before reconstruction. Carrying out a number of transformations, we will receive dependence of thermal resistance of the added layer керамоволокнистого a material from demanded relative economy of fuel.

The literature:

  1. Osnos S.P., Gololobov O. I. Application modern fibrous теплоизоляционных and fire-resistant materials in thermal units and constructions «Building materials and products» ?11 2000;
  2. Osnos S.P., Gololobov O. I. Experience of application of modern fibrous fire-resistant materials and heating systems «Building materials and products» ?4 2001
  3. Kiselyov T.S.core of a direction power- and ресурсосбережения at operation of the thermal equipment and the analysis of works under power savings. Сб. Articles of the International scientifically-practical conference «the Automated oven unit – a basis of power saving up technologies of the XXI-st century». МИС and S.Moskva. 2000