Nekrasova Inna Sergeevna
Master DonNTU
Faculty:Physical and Metallurgical
Department:Technical thermophysics
Speciality:Industrial of the heating engineer

Theme of master's work:
"Reconstruction of a thermal protection and heating furnaces"

Scientific adviser:Biryukov Alexey

I, Nekrasova Inna Sergeevna, was born in the city of Hartsyzske, on July, 28th 1989ãîäà where I live now. Has finished music school, was fond of sports, but and hasn't connected life not with one of these directions. In 2006 has successfully finished Hartsyzsky lycee ¹1. On an elder brother's advice, has chosen Donetsk National Technical University, a speciality - industrial the heating engineer about what wasn't sorry and it is assured that I will not regret, since at faculty fine teachers and the speciality chosen by me - claimed enough, and the most important thing it has pleased to me. By results of entrance examinations has arrived on budgetary branch.

On the fourth year, has chosen supervisor of studies Birjukova Alexey Borisovicha and we were defined with a theme works: «Reconstruction of a thermal protection and heating furnaces». Presently this theme is actual enough, since the park thermal and and heating furnaces, is presented basically by the old equipment with "heavy" which in turn, doesn't allow to conduct thermal processing at qualitatively new level with the minimum expenses of energy carriers. Use of program Mathcard will help to investigate efficiency of reconstruction heating furnaces.

Further I plan to connect the future with a trade of the heating engineer.