Магистр ДонНТУ Шабловский Алексей Валентинович

Shablovsky Alexey

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical

Speciality: Black metal metallurgy

Theme of master's work: Investigation of the influence of raw materials, which give slag-forming mixture of equivalent chemical composition, their performance characteristics when casting steel caster

Scientific adviser: Smirnov Alexey


   The volume of cast steel billets in the CIS on the new caster in recent years the increases.
   Carbon steels are filled mostly with open jet oil flow into the mold. Become a responsible destination, t.ch doped, bottled under the slag-forming mixtures (SCO).
   Until 2010, for their teeming predominantly used granulated mixture of imported production comes at a price of 1000 1200evro / t. The exception was OAO ZSMK (Novokuznetsk, Russia), which used powdered SCO's own production, which are produced on the basis of industrial waste in the region.
   The experience of the continuous casting of steel - the SCO is a component of technology to obtain high-quality steel billets of carbon and alloy steels responsible destination.
   In 2010-2011, the factories Elektrostal (Kurakhovo, Donetsk reg.) And TCA "STILGRUPP (Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk reg.) Mastered casting billets section of 120-140 mm using a granular powder imported and domestic SCO, the last made of pre-prepared materials in the Donetsk region, including fused bases. Granular SCO easy to use, but in 2.5 is more expensive home. The quality of steel billets, cast under the imported and domestic mixtures obtained at the same level.
   This suggests the possibility of domestic powdered mixes, which will develop its own production to provide new jobs, prior to development of its own production of granular SCO.
   The aims and objectives of the master's work is:
   1. Evaluation of regional resource base, including industrial waste, with a stable technological characteristics, which can be used as the basis of powder SCO
   2. The choice of component mineral mixture,
   3. Investigation of the influence of materials of different chemical composition on the phase-transition temperature of the SCO.