Tischenko Il'ya

Physical-Metallurgical Faculty
Speciality: Metallurgy of ferrous metals

Theme of qualifying work of master's degree:
"Investigation of the electro-thermal recovery of iron materials in the furnace bottom electrode"
Scientific adviser:
dr.Trojanskiy Alexander.


Own publications

  1. Investigation of the electro-thermal recovery of iron materials in the furnace bottom electrode (text is in Russian).
  2. Author: Tishenko I.
    Description: master's paper, which describes the metallurgical process for metallurgical units with special design, which allows to restore the iron-containing materials and wastes.

Thematic publications

  1. Method of smelting metals and plant for the smelting of metals (text in Ukrainian).
  2. Author: Tishenko P., Tishenko A.
    Description: —
  3. Development of basic technology ugletermicheskogo recovery of iron materials in the metallurgical complex (text in Russian).
  4. Author: —
    Description: —