
In 1992 at the age of 3 years I was accepted into a kindergarten in the neighbourhood. When I was a chield, I knited and sewed (the simplest things).


At the age 7 I was accepted into the 1st form of school №76 in a class of developmental education. But at the fifth form I was accepted into the school №91 in a class with in-depth study of foreign languages. English and German were taught heavily there. In the 5th class, together with pupils 4 – 6th forms of my school I participated in the Anglo-Ukrainian environmental project "Windrose", and I was an active participant in school. The team of our school won the first place among schools in Donetsk and we won a trip to Sebastopol.

In the school I participated in regional competitions in mathematics, English and Russian languages, biology and geography (I took 2nd place). Most of school years I was an excellent pupil. The best sciences as for me were physics, geography, English, German and drawing, but the most promising for my future career I considered the physics, and therefore I has chosen technical specialty.

After the ninth form I passed exams and enrolled in Donetsk Technical College of the Donetsk City Council (now – Lyceum "Donetsk College"). There I studied 10th and 11th formes and graduated it.


I chose Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) because I consider it the best university in Donetsk. In choosing a profession I guided by the factor that it has a theme of physics, but with no inclination towards and programming.

Here on this reasons I chose the Department of Radio Engineering and Specialized Training, which was then called the Faculty of Special Training, then – Radio Engineering Faculty. There I entered by the results of ratings in 2006.

My trial practice was spent at Scientific Research Institute of Complex Automatization when I was on the 2nd course.

My technological practice was spent the utility "International airport Donetsk" on 3rd and 4th courses.

I participated in meetings with the rector. I have got the gratitude of the rector and the City Council of the Voroshilovsky district. Watch one from the Rector and another from the city council.

Also 5 semesters were completed at the "excellent". I have been awarded diplomas for successful study by the dean. Watch the first one and the second.

Scientific activity

I started practicing scientific activity on the 3rd course (since 2008), and I published my first thesis in 2009. And my journeies to scientific-practical conferences, provided in various Ukrainian scientific competitions, had been started.

Regularly I participate in such scientific events:

1. International Youth Scientific-Practical Conference "Man and Space" (National Center of Aerospace Education of Youth, Dniepropetrovsk), 2009 – 2011;

2. International Youth Forum "Radioelectronics and Youth in the XXI Century", (Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Kharkov), 2009 – 2011;

3. International Scientific and Technical Youth Conference "Modern Problems of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications" (Sebastopol National Technical University, Sebastopol), 2010 – 2011;

4. All-Ukrainian Scientific Reading "Dneprovska Orbita" (National Center of Aerospace Education of Youth, Dniepropetrovsk), 2010;

5. Ukrainian Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Navigation and Flight Control" (National Aviation University, Kiev), 2010;

6. International Scientific-technical Conference "Prospects of Development of GLONASS Navigation Systems, GPS, Galileo", (DonNTU, Donetsk), 2010.

In 2010, in All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Scientific Works in Kharkov Aviation Institute with scientific work "Multi-beam Reflecting Scanning Antenna with Reflector of Special Form" I had tooken 3rd place in the section "Avionics. Aerology".

Also in April 2010, I participated in a competition of innovative projects "Innovative Intellect of Ukraine", organized by the Charitable Foundation "Ukraine–3000" in Kiev.

In the same year I received a patent for the utility model "Multi-beam Reflector Scanning Antenna" (№ 49709, publ. 11/05/2010). Watch the document

I have got the article in the Bulletin of the Dniepropetrovsk National University "The Radiation Patterns of Special Shape", in 2010.

In general, there are now nine diplomas and certificates for participation in scientific events.

The certificate of III place at the 13th International Youth Forum "Radioelectronics and Youth in XXI Century", March 29 - April 1, 2009, Kharkov University of Radioelectronics, Kharkov, in the section "Radio and Optoeletronic Complexes". Watch the document

The diploma for the best article "Radiation Pattern of Special Form" at the XI International Youth Scientific-practical Conference "Man and Space", National Center of Aerospace Education of Youth, Dniepropetrovsk, 8 - 10 April 2009. Watch the document

The diploma for the best work at the VII All-Ukrainian Forum for Amateur Astronomers' "Ukrastroforum-2009", devoted to International Year of Astronomy, 21 - May 23, Kharkov, Ukraine. Watch the document

The certificate for the II place at the 14th International Youth Forum "Radioelectronics and Youth in the XXI century", 13 - 15 March 2010, Kharkov University of Radioelectronics, Kharkov, in the section "Radio and Optoeletronic Complexes". Watch the document

The certificate for III place of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Scienfical Works in "Avionics. Aerology", "Kharkov Aviation Institute", Kharkov, 25 March, 2010. Watch the document

The diploma of III level from the Ministery of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2010. Watch the document

An award for best work "Radiation Patterns of Special Form" at the XII International Youth Scientific-Practical Conference "Man and Space", National Center of Aerospace Education of Youth, Dniepropetrovsk, 7 - 9 April, 2010. Watch the document

The diploma of a participant of the 2nd round of All-Ukrainian Competition of Bussines Ideas "New Intellegent of Ukraine", organized by the Charitable Fund "Ukraine-3000", Kiev, April 14, 2010. Watch the document

The award for best report in the section "Antennas and Microwave Technology" at the 7th International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems Radioengineering and Telecommunications of the RT-2011", SebNTU, Sebastopol, 11 - 15 April. Watch the document

Plans for future

In the near future I want to protect graduate work and a master's degree. The most important criterion in choosing a career for me is to lack of routine jobs involving all hands and nervous conditions. If the profession will help me unlock my creativity, then it is fine to me.

© DonNTU, Marina Doronina, 2011