Магистр ДонНТУ Ершова Ирина Анатольевна

Iershova Iryna

Faculty: Radio Engineering and special Training
Training direction: information security
Theme of master's work: Research of helical antennas with controllable characteristics in information protection systems
Scientific: Ph.D, Associate Professor Paslyon Vladimir

Abstract of master's work: "Research of helical antennas with controllable characteristics in information protection systems" 


Antenna technology has now reached a level of maturity and its development in recent years is not primarily aimed on the creation of fundamentally new types of antennas, but on the research of ways to improve their performance and the use of new materials .
Development of various branches of electronics (radio reconnaissance, radio countermeasure, radio communications with mobile objects, radio, etc.) led to the practical need for antennas that provide the emission and reception of electromagnetic waves with circular polarization in a wide frequency range. Due to the fact, that the main part of the electromagnetic energy is reflected from the antenna systems, they become noticeable to the radio-electronic means. Therefore, nowadays, the development of technologies to reduce the visibility (Stealth tehnology) is gaining popularity. Stealth technology is a set of methods to reduce the visibility of antenna systems in radio, infrared and other gamuts of the detection spectrum through specially designed geometrical shapes, radar absorbing materials and coatings for reducing power and reflected signal in the direction of the emission source, and thus remain unnoticed.
Spiral antennas occupy an important place among the various types of broadband antennas. Spiral antennas are low and intermediately directed elliptical wideband antennas with controlled polarization.
Directional properties of a helical antenna depend strongly on the diameter of the helix. Antenna is omni-directional in the case the diameter of the helix is less 0,18 λ, and when the diameter of the helix reaches (0,25 - 0,45) λ, antenna creates emission along the direction of motion of the wave current, ie directional antenna. [1.222]
In foreign literature, this directional emitter is known under different names, but most often appears under the name Helix Beam, going back to H. Chireix (1930).

The purpose and tasks of research

The purpose of master's work is the development of broadband spiral antennas, unnoticeable for the detection by radio-electronic means of intelligence, by reducing the effective dispersion area (EDA).
To achieve this goal the following tasks must be performed in the master's work:
  1. Investigation of radio deception methods.
  2. A comparative analysis of helical antennas’ properties and the selection of the helical antenna satisfying such conditions.
  3. Simulation of broadband helical antenna.
  4. The calculation of helical antenna parameters according to simulation results.
  5. Experimental confirmation of the data received.
Topic relevance:

Attempts to solve the problem of eqipment creation, invisible for radio-electronic devices, took place since the beginning of radio interception. In this regard, the radiocamouflage term appeared. (radiocamouflage  - a set of technical and organizational measures aimed at enemy radio reconnaissance effectiveness reducing).
Thus, the topic of object protection (helical antennas) against radio-electronic means of detection remains relevant today.

Expected scientific innovation.

The improved model of a plane cophased helical antenna development, which main feature is masking from detection by radio-electronic facilities (REF).


The difference of helical antenna from other antennas with the directed emission, primarily it the fact that its emission field is circularly polarized. In the case of such an antenna  the  necessarity of both the transmitting and receiving antennas have circular polarization appears.
Circular polarization occurs when the conductor is wound in the direction of emission in the form of a spiral, while total length of wire in a turn is equal to 1 λ which, taking into account the velocity factor , corresponds to the coil diameter D, equal to approximately 0,31 λ. It is assumed that for the circular polarization is used at least three turns, as the polarization of the emission will be closer to the circular, the more turns antenna has. Simple helical antenna emits in both directions in the direction of its axis. To get a one-sided emission and increase the gain of the antenna disk reflector is used. [8,254]


The term UWB antenna means that the properties of the antenna, primarily its input impedance, directivity pattern (DP) and the directional coefficient (DC), vary within the prescribed limits in a very wide frequency band. [2.182]

Highly directive antenna features.

Increasing the range of high gain antenna is an important task of modern antenna technology.
Frequency properties of high gain antenna are determined by the frequency properties of the interior of the antenna (power tract, feed, controls, etc.) and the fields interference emitted by individual elements of the antenna in outer space. The influence of the first cause can be greatly weakened with the use of broadband channels power, broadband irradiator, special compensating circuits and devices development, etc. At the same time the effective ways to eliminate the frequency dependence of the DP, related to the fields interference from different parts of the antenna are not yet developed. Even in a flat-phased antenna, with the change of λ, the DP form is preserved, but its width and antenna DC change. Even worse is the situation in the antenna array, where with the change of the wavelength, changes both the direction of the main peak and the shape of the DP. [2,187]
Conical and flat helical antenna.

Conical helical antenna (Fig. 1) has the best range properties than the cylindrical helical antennas.


                               Fig. 1. Conical helical antenna

Axial emission of such antennas is formed not by the whole antenna, but only by the active region, ie coils with the length close to λ. With the frequency change, the active region moves along the axis of the antenna. Flat helical antennas, including antennas in the form of an Archimedean spiral (Fig. 2 a), are widely used. Double helical antenna can be produced by printing and is stimulated by a wire line or coaxial cable laid along one of the arms (along the other arm single cable is laid to maintain symmetry, Fig. 2, b). The antenna can be considered as a wire line rolled into a spiral, currents in adjacent coils in the initial part of the antenna are in opposite phase and therefore don’t emit. With the removal from power outlets, phase shift between currents in adjacent coils is reduced due to the path difference.

                               Fig. 2 Flat helical antennas

 Indeed, the elements 1 and 2, located on either side of the circle of radius r0 at the different spirals have a path difference equal to half the length of this circle, i.e. Δr = 2πr0 Given the antiphase excitation phase difference between elements 1 and 2 equals ψ = kΔr + π. At r0 = λ/2π value ψ = 2π, i.e. neighbor coils are excited in-phase mode traveling wave. These turns form the emission field with circular polarization in the direction of the antenna, which is maintained over a wide frequency band. The lower frequency is determined by the outside diameter of the helix, and the top – by the accuracy of antenna realization near the feed points.
Directivity pattern consists of two broad lobes oriented perpendicularly to the plane of the spiral. It’s also possible to get a unidirectional emission of the spiral, by putting the screen behind it (usually at a distance of λ0 / 4, where λ0 - the wavelength at an average frequency range), but the presence of the screen reduces the work frequency band.

Construction of the spiral of Archimedes

  1. Divide the radius of the circle to the same number of equal parts (8 in this example).
  2. Divide the circle into the same number of equal parts.
  3. Line the rays from the center of the circle through the points of division.
  4. On the first ray mark one radius notch.
  5. On the second beam mark two divisions radius, etc.
  6. If you build it on, then the beam 1 8+1 marks are to be made (we get the point IX).
  7. On the second line of division mark 8 +2 radius (we get the X point).
  8. On the third line of division mark 8 +3 radius (we get the XI point), etc.

   This figure is animated, and it illustrates the construction of the spiral of Archimedes.  Size-113 kb, the number of frames -4, the number of cycles -7.


At the present time flat and conical spiral antennas with a constant pitch (Archimedean spiral) and equi-angled hemispherical helical antennas found practical use. Sufficiently researched the single-threaded spiral antennas with a constant angle of winding on the surface of a paraboloid of rotation and double-threaded spiral antennas winded on the surface of an ellipsoid of rotation. Quasifreqency-independent two-way winding helical antennas, helical dielectric antenna impedance have not yet been researched as far as can be seen in the literature.
Theory of helical structures of complex shape is not developed currently, so their properties can be guessed only approximately, basing on the principle of local equivalence.


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Important note: By the time this abstract was made, the master work is not yet completed. Final completion date: December 2011. Full text of the materials can be obtained from the author or his principal after that date.

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