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Khazaradze Olga

Olga Khazaradze

Faculty: Economics and managment

Speciality: Economics of fuel and energy complex

Scientific adviser: A. Kendukhov

Theme of master's work:

Improving the organization managing the innovation process in the enterprise

Summary of research and development


Innovative development of modern society creates difficult conditions of competition in the global market. The desire to join the companies to the modern high-tech community is the need to innovate, which must be economically and technologically sound.


Management of innovation processes is a very actual trend. Introduction of innovation in the enterprise is a technologically complex process based on a complex system changes. To obtain the expected economic effect of the innovations it is important to carry out all stages of reconstruction, organizing the activities of enterprises under the new conditions, as well as make adjustments and monitoring procedures to configure monitoring of key indicators reflecting the efficiency of innovation. From all the above it follows that the organization of innovation management is one of the key areas of modern economic thought.


The purpose of this research is to extend the theoretical, analysis practical and  development of scientific and methodological positions and proposals to improve the mechanism for the organization of management of innovation processes in the energy sector.

Object of research

Objects of study are the processes of innovative activity in the energy sector companies in modern conditions.

Subject of study

The subject of research are theoretical concepts, basic principles and methods of improving the mechanism of of innovative activity company.


The scientific significance of the work

The scientific significance of the work was to investigate the process of innovation management with imitating and economic-mathematical modeling and algorithm development - suggest improvements in management.

The practical value of the work

For research on the subject of this master's work selected enterprises of fuel and energy complex, primarily due to the fact that the innovations of the industry tend to have a revolutionary character, and cause continued change throughout the production cycle, so the question of organization of management innovation in such facilities is particularly acute and requires optimization suggestions. The recommendation will be useful to companies of fuel and energy complex, and may be reflected in the modern industrial reality.

A review of research on the topic

Problems of innovation management in the modern theory is given enough attention, including issues of forming an effective mechanism for managing innovative activities of enterprises. Scientists, such as: Amosha A., Bubenko P., Burkinsky B., Galchinsky A., Geyets V., Grinev A., Grineva V., Zadorozhnyi G., Ilyashenko C., Kravchenko S., K.Christensen, B.Kuzyk, R.Lapko, Lepeyko T., Meshkov A., M. Rein, Sazonets I., B. Twiss, Khobta V., Huchek M., J. Schumpeter and others concerned with innovation at all levels of the economy. However, questions assessing the effectiveness of innovation and organization innovation management companies require a further decision.

Main content of master's work

The Law of Ukraine "On innovation activity" defines innovation as the newly created (applied) and (or) improved competitive technologies, products or services, as well as organizational and technical solutions of industrial, administrative, commercial or otherwise, substantially improving the structure and quality of production and ( or social). And innovative activity - as activities aimed at addressing and commercialization of research, development, and determines the time to market of new competitive products and services [1].

Innovation process is a set of innovative, high quality new developments occur continuously in time and space. They have a place in any complex industrial and economic system.

Classification of innovations can be represented in the form of Table.



Scope Managerial, organizational, social, industrial, etc.
Result of research work Scientific, technical, technological, engineering, manufacturing, information
Pace Fast, slow, growing, decaying, uniform, jumps like
Intensity Boom, uniform, mass, poor
Magnitude Transcontinental, transnational, regional, large, medium, small
Potency High, low, stable
Effectiveness Economic, social, environmental

Any local and global innovations of various kinds can provide the highest possible progressive effects on production, if companies use them constantly, complex and harmonious.

The following algorithm can be used to assess the economic efficiency of innovation.

Algorithm for estimating the economic impact

Algorithm for estimating the economic impact (Animation: 4 frames, 5 reps, weight 83 KB) [14]

Methods of management of innovation processes are specific and differ from traditional methods, which used in production management. Methods for managing the innovation process are divided into:

Effective management of the innovation process is realized through innovative mechanisms. It is the organizational, managerial, financial, economic, legal, informational, technical and moral-psychological factors, their interrelationships and interactions that contribute to the successful implementation of innovation and improve its results. From this definition it follows that the elements (components), an innovative mechanism are:

Special attention should be paid to the integrated use of integrated operational schedule planning and Gantt charts. On the basis of which to conduct testing - a comparative analysis of plans and results.

Method of integrated operational schedule planning is a system of techniques and ways to efficiently carry out the entire management process: plan, organize, coordinate and monitor all complex of works, ensuring efficient use of money and material resources [8].

Gantt chart is a line graph that specifies the start and end dates of related work, with resources that are used for their implementation [21].

Dynamic model should be used to assess the innovative activity of enterprises. parameters of the model undergo continuous change over time. An important feature of this approach is the sharing of resources on the flow and accumulation, as well as the impact velocity characteristics of parameter changes on the activity of the enterprise.

These techniques are applied as a basis for improving the organization of management of innovation processes.


So, in the Master's work reviewed and systematized theoretical aspects of management innovation processes in enterprises, proposed a universal recommendations for improving the organization of management innovation processes, which based on the results  of modern investigations. There are widely used in international practice and show a good result.


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