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Krivolapov Eugene

Krivolapov Eugene 

Faculty: of economic

Speciality: Economic of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Management the labour productivity on an enterprise

Scientific adviser: Shilova Larisa 

About author

Management the labour productivity on an enterprise

(Summary of research and developments)

        The actuality of research. In modern conditions, one of the basic parameters that defines development opportunities, as a separate enterprise and the national economy as a whole, is the level of competitiveness, which in turn is formed as a result of many factors, among which the most important one should emphasize labor productivity.

        Labour productivity, as one of the indicators within the business enterprise, characterized by its efficiency. Comparative analysis of labor productivity is the source for management decisions to improve profitability, technical and institutional reform of manufacturing, human resources management, competitive assessment, pricing policy, assessment of priority areas, Regulation of foreign economic relations, etc.

        The concept of productivity, methods for evaluating and improving its performance are considered in the work of researchers such as T. Chernova, Romusik Y., Hops FI, Vitvitskyy VV, Vlasova NV, Bazarova T. Yu, BL Eremena and other. However, I would like to note that despite the study of labor productivity, scientists have not reached consensus on the definition of its assessment and methods to increase.

        The goal for research is the development of theoretical, methodological approaches and to develop practical recommendations to improve labor productivity management to improve enterprise performance.

        Research object. Process management and productivity improvement methods in the enterprise.

        The subject of research. Theoretical principles and practical aspects of improving productivity in the enterprise. Objectives to achieve goal:

    1. The essence of the concept of "Labour productivity";

    2. Explore a system of labor productivity;

    3. Make review management practices;

    4. Invent factors and potential for its increase;

    5. Development of guidelines on management productivity.

            Scientific novelty of the results: Further development of theoretical, methodological approaches and develop practical recommendations to improve management productivity.

           In the first section, theoretical foundations of performance management work. Productivity growth means the economy in society both kinds of work or reduction of working time socially necessary to produce units of product or service. In the short run at small business unit or task performance management work requires, above all, taking into account the labor costs of its employees. But the transition to predicting the dynamics of productivity in a more complex system can no longer limited to the performance analysis of live work, because changes in labor productivity are increasingly dependent on the share of past labor (stating that productivity growth in the long term mean that the share of live work noticeable decrease compared with reified).

           The second section disclose methodological approaches of productivity, the prevailing system of indicators and methods of its measurement, and factors and potential for productivity gains. Given the primary importance of productivity gains for the competitiveness of enterprises, managers and professionals at all levels in organizations looking to develop and implement performance management programs. Management of labor productivity in the enterprise - is actually part of the general management, including planning, organization, motivation, direction, control and regulation. Also in the examined parameters and methods of measuring productivity. In terms of its growth are calculated, usually two indicators: output - the number of products produced per unit of working time, and complexity - the number of working hours spent on production units. To improve efficiency, to identify factors (drivers) that influence it. The efficiency of labor is influenced by many factors. Knowledge of nature and mechanism of action of each is essential to determine concrete ways to improve work efficiency, scientific management of the process. Knowledge of the efficiency factors of labor and the mechanism of action allows them to exert direct influence on achieving the required results. Reserves growth in labor productivity - these are opportunities to improve it, already identified, but for some reason so far unused. Reserves are used and re-emerging under the influence of scientific and technological progress. Quantitatively reserves can be defined as the difference between maximum possible and really reached the level of productivity in the particular time. Thus, the use of reserves of productivity growth - a process of transformation possible in the real.

        The third section was developed recommendations for the management productivity. Increasing productivity in any system can occur in different ways depending on various factors. It can increase if there is one of the following situations: 1. The volume of production increases and costs decrease; 2. Volume production is growing faster than costs; 3. The volume of production remains unchanged, while costs are reduced (for example, by implementing programs to reduce expenses); 4. The volume of production increases at constant cost; 5. Volume production is reduced more slowly than costs. Conclusion High productivity - the main quality features of an effective system of market-type economy in which the free movement of capital and labor support expansion of capacity of the commodity market, labor and capital, and provides manufacturers with fixed capital, the normal play of economic activity involved in the workforce, creating investment and innovation funds, and other urgent social and economic problems


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